Divorced couple renew vows of eternal hatred

A COUPLE are celebrating ten years since their divorce by renewing the vows of undying emnity they made on the day. 

Tom Logan and Hannah Tomlinson have gathered family and friends to once again swear their sacred commitment to loathe each other until they die.

Hannah said: “Whenever I see Tom, the years roll away and I see the toxic, manipulating piece of shit who I was sundered from forever on that magical, blessed day.

“We’re not like other divorced couples. For them, the embers of hatred merely smoulder. Our relationship’s still aflame with grudges. The passion never went away.

“The whole screaming match will be held at the county court, with all our nearest, dearest, and the solicitors who represented us through the lengthy and bitter process. The event will be heavily policed.

“I can’t wait to reaffirm the deep detestation I still feel for Tom every single day, the sentient landfill of shit. There will also be a table set aside for gifts.”

Guest Martin Bishop said: “Thing is, when celebrities renew marriage vows it’s a precursor to splitting up. I hope to f**k Tom and Hannah don’t get back together.”

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Hi, I'm your friend who describes memes

GIF: the black lady opens the door with a wide grin and a sashaying walk! Caption: It’s me! Your friend who describes memes!

Everyone loves memes, yeah? Yes, says drawing of blonde, bearded man the Yes Chad. So what’s better than hearing the latest described to you using simple words?

Whenever my buddies and I get together, I’m filling them in on the latest memes, reacting in memes and acting memes out. I know, I am so random. I cannot believe I just did that.

After all, memes are a part of communication now. Why shouldn’t I manifest them verbally? Imagine a picture of a gleaming futuristic landscape: this is the future if we all talk using memes.

I know them all, and I assume everyone else does. Sometimes I’ll just precede phrases with ‘condescending Wonka!’ And when people say ‘What, the thing you see on Facebook?’ I say ‘DiCaprio pointing at the TV!’

But if my audience is inexpert in the language of memes, I’ll help them. ‘You know, I’m something of a meme expert myself’, I explain, while describing the memetic history of that particular screengrab from a Spider-Man film.

Even if they hate memes I’m not dissuaded. Unpopular opinion swords meme, I tell them, casual and unbothered. And they know exactly which one I mean.

So look out for me in your workplace, your pub, your home. Taking the time to replace normal human interaction with verbally described memes.