Six marital arguments that are really about sex

ARGUING with your spouse or life partner? Both insisting that the argument actually is about wallpaper even though it’s transparently about your sex life? This is how:

What to watch on telly

He’s pushing for Jason Statham in Meg 2: The Trench. Could he make it any more obvious that he’s after full penetration until the little hard bald man’s exhausted? She’d rather settle down with Love At First Sight, a romcom that’s all foreplay and a much-delayed climax. They end up watching Ghostbusters: Afterlife, pleasing nobody.

Whether to go for wallpaper or paint

She wants wallpaper but wants a professional in to do it. He’s happy to pay for wallpaper but only on condition he gets to slosh the paste everywhere himself with his long brush. Subtext: she’d rather use her vibrator and he’s eager to ejaculate somewhere unconventional.

Missing the recycling collection

As Theresa May explained on The One Show, taking the bins out is a quid pro quo; the man does it only in exchange for regular sexual activity. If the man has not taken the recycling out, this is a deliberate act of protest designed to draw attention to his similarly overstuffed balls. It is a battle of wills as to which will be emptied first.

A sock left on the floor

When a blazing row breaks out over the man’s sock he left on the floor and which has missed the wash, it’s really about one thing: onanism. The sock, symbol of teenage masturbation, represents the husband’s internet porn habit and his resulting inability to satisfy his wife. ‘Pick that bloody sock up’ means ‘you never do me hard any more’.

Forgetting to buy milk from the shops

An unexpected blazing row at 10.30pm when there’s no milk in the fridge can only be about one thing: boobs. He’s unhappy that he never gets to see them and has retaliated by neglecting to purchase milk. She’s frankly not that into having her tits groped while she’s doing the washing-up. A late-night garage milk purchase is cheesy and off.

Whether to have children

The decision to have children often causes arguments in relationships. He is keen to continue having sex for a few more years; she’s had enough of it. She offers the carrot of plenty of penetrative sex in the short-term until conception is achieved; he knows he should hold out but is unable to do so. Thus all arguments are settled forever.

Woman concerned Married At First Sight could be fake

A VIEWER of Married At First Sight is concerned that not every moment she sees on the screen is entirely genuine, she has admitted.

Grace Wood-Morris, aged 30, fears her emotional investment in a show where strangers marry each other on television may be being manipulated by television producers for ratings.

She said: “MAFS was always guaranteed 1,000 per cent real, right? Like a documentary or the news.

“But with this latest series the vibe seems off. There’s so much drama already and everyone has such extreme personalities it’s like they’re set up to clash, not have happy, harmonious blind marriages.

“A few of them have been on other dating shows already, which makes me wonder if they should perhaps give Tinder a go instead, and they all seem to want to launch a cosmetics line. Do normal people want that? None of my mates do.

“You can’t get married insincerely, surely? They must be serious, sober types if they’re willing to make a major commitment in front of millions? And they definitely are legal weddings. The whole concept couldn’t be fundamentally bogus from day one.

“But some of these people seem fake to me. I’ll have to follow them all on their constantly updated Instagram feeds to investigate further.”