Why your ex's nice new girlfriend is actually a complete twat

YOUR ex-boyfriend has found a lovely new woman, everyone says so, and you’d definitely be pleased for him if she wasn’t actually a massive bitch. Here’s why: 

She thinks she’s better than you

Just because your ex started dating her after you, she’s convinced she’s the ‘upgrade’. She swans around on Insta acting like she’s the iPhone 14 and you’re the 6S. There’s no outward indication that she feels this way because she’s buried it deep inside, but it’s unmistakable if you know where to look.

She’s fake

Nobody is that happy all the time. All that smiling, ‘being nice’, and taking an interest in your ex’s sister’s shitty Etsy business only demonstrates that she is a skilled and practiced deceiver, like one of these fraudsters on Netflix. Her boobs are probably implants too.

She has a high-flying job

That might seem like a bonus, but inevitably that’s the kind of job that requires her to fly to a business meeting in Frankfurt at a moment’s notice, even if currently she’s based in Tring. Has she ever even considered the impact of her career on the environment? Selfish bint. And she’ll have affairs with men called Dieter.

She’s vegan

The holier-than-thou cow’s vegan, which might offset the flights you imagine she takes, but consider this – how hard is that on other people, always having to accommodate her dietary requirements? It’s despicable behaviour, redolent of a psychopath.

She volunteers at an animal shelter

Nobody’s that nice. Serial killers always go too far because they get off on not getting caught, and this is where she’s given herself away. Turning up every weekend helping those dogs? A front. It’s either drug dealing or human trafficking. Somebody should tell him.

She’s with your ex

How is that fair? You were ready for him to come crawling back or be miserable forever or to date someone way, way worse, but this bitch struts in and dates him as if he’s emotionally available and ready to commit? Who the f**k does she think she is? What does she see in that stupid, lovely, gorgeous twat?

Reports on health risks of ultra-processed food give man craving for Subway

THE health risks posed by ultra-processed foods have left a man hungry for a footlong Meatball Marinara, it has emerged.

Studies showing that consumption of ultra-processed foods raises the risk of heart attacks and strokes caused Wayne Hayes’s saliva to start flowing, his stomach to rumble and his thoughts turn to lunch.

He said: “Mozzarella, cheddar or American cheese? That’s the real question.

“Do they think we eat this shit under the illusion it’s good for us? I’m surprised it’s only that harmful. They could have told me it causes fatal prolapses in 85 per cent of consumers and I’d believe it. They taste that good.

“What else am I supposed to eat anyway? A sausage roll from Greggs? A Ginsters pasty? McDonald’s? It’s all processed. Processed to make it absolutely f**king delicious.

“Apparently even yogurt and cereal bars and soup are processed, so what hope is there? I can’t eat healthily no matter how I try. They’ve got my arteries surrounded.

“I’m leaving this to the scientists to solve while I stuff my face with indeterminable meat matter wedged between white bread. Might as well get a Coke and cookie while I’m there.”