Woman yet to be told it's weird to be friends with exes

A WOMAN who has stayed in touch with all her ex-boyfriends does not realise it is unnecessary and odd behaviour.

Eleanor Shaw, 34, maintains regular contact with all her exes, including the one she saw for five days while on holiday in Newquay in 2003.

Shaw said: “I didn’t value my time with these men enough to sustain the relationships, but I like to think I will haunt their dreams forever.

“Often I touch base with them at key milestones in my life, such as when I’m doing really well or looking really good.

And sometimes it’s at key moments in their lives, like when I identify from their social media that they are acting as if they never went out with me.”

Tom Logan, Shaw’s boyfriend of eighteen months from university, said: “Am I still going to be receiving random ‘long time no see – how’s you?’ messages when we’re in our eighties? Someone needs to tell her the end of a relationship should be met with awkwardness and silence.”

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What dickish notes are you leaving for people?

DO you like leaving aggressive notes for people in a variety of situations? Here are some great issues to raise with them in furious scrawled rants.

Office kitchen gripes
Hugely overreact to a couple of unwashed mugs and plates, eg. ‘Will the IDIOT who leaves their mug in the sink show some RESPECT for OTHERS??? I am SICK of your SELFISH STUPIDITY!!!’. Make it genuinely threatening, as if you may actually slam someone’s head in the dishwasher door, Joe Pesci-style, until blood and teeth are everywhere.

Parking disputes
Don’t restrict yourself to actual bad parking, leave obscenity-filled notes on ANY vehicle briefly parked on ‘your’ bit of road or pavement. For maximum dickishness also target ambulances and fire engines, even if it’s hard to see with all the smoke coming from that burning house.

Anything to do with wheelie bins
The wanker neighbour’s grievance par excellence. Really hassle people over unlikely scenarios, for example, ‘Please LABEL your bin or it may get confused with MINE and I will BILL YOU for a REPLACEMENT if it goes missing.’

Something inconsiderate you plan to do
Inform the people in your flats about some deeply annoying behaviour you’ve got planned, such as looking after six rottweilers for a fortnight, or rehearsals for your Stomp tribute act.

Anonymous workplace threats
These should be very petty, eg. ‘Lisa. Some of us feel you are taking the mickey with your frequent toilet breaks. Don’t make us take it any further.’ It’s the modern-day equivalent of a poison pen letter so aim to make the victim as worried as a 1940s housewife reading the words, ‘Edna. I may have to tell your husband about your fancy man.’

Anything you are too chicken to resolve in person
If you’re staying in holiday flats, don’t simply ask the family next door if they could make less noise and discover they’re really nice. Instead leave a nasty guilt-tripping note, eg. ‘Thanks for RUINING our holiday!!! Today our youngest CRIED until her ASTHMA came on, so we hope you’re PLEASED ABOUT THAT!!!’