Your guide to coping with a partner who's an embarrassing twat

ARE you in a long-term relationship with someone you’ve realised is an embarrassing twat? Here are some common problems and what to do about them.

Dodgy opinions 

Many people with shit opinions aren’t bastards, just a bit thick. But that won’t stop you feeling embarrassed when they keep spouting things like: ‘If you ask me, transgender is just the latest fad. Like rap.’

Solution: Get them to set up a Twitter account and share their thoughts there. After 200,000 people have called them a ‘f**king shithead idiot’, they may be more circumspect.

Terrible taste in music

You may find it hard to genuinely love your partner if they subject you to endless Coldplay or repeat listenings of The Lion King soundtrack that go beyond the limits of human endurance. 

Solution: Introduce them to better music in a similar genre. You’ll get sick of U2 and Les Miserables eventually but anything is better than that Coldplay album. You know, the one nobody can remember the song titles from.

They’re overly ‘matey’ with strangers

Your toes will curl as your partner attempts to establish a fake friendship with some random bloke in a pub, or, if female, a clothes shop assistant with whom she now has a deep bond based entirely on their chromosomes. The words ‘mate’ and ‘I know!’ may feature.

Solution: Surreptitiously change your TV viewing entirely to stilted period dramas, so that they start to believe the only way to interact with strangers is: ‘Good day, sir’ and ‘Most pleasant to meet you. Goodbye.’ 

They are twats to waiters

There’s nothing worse than sitting with someone whinging about a minor problem with the food or service just to have a pathetic power trip over waiting staff.

Solution: There is no solution. Tell them to f**k off and meet someone else who doesn’t moan about a microscopic smear on a butter knife.

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How to be a badass while self-isolating, by Matt Hancock

YO. Matt here. You may have noticed I consider myself pretty damn cool. So after my Covid scare, here’s how I’m self-isolating with ATTITUDE. Party on, dudes!

Not wearing a tie on Zoom calls

Nothing screams ‘sexy rebel’ louder than a shirt with no tie and the top button undone, so that’s what I opt for in online press conferences. In the evening I put on a Next leather jacket and host a triv quiz for other MPs with my favourite badass rock band playing the background: T’Pau. 

Wild drinking 

At Oxford me and the lads, by which I mean my two house cats, would crack open the White Lightning and go mental. It’s difficult to play Edward Ciderhands with cats because they run off before you can tape the bottles to their paws, but I’d often drink almost a whole glass before being violently sick and missing a lecture the next day.

DIY karaoke

In parliament I’m revered as a party animal, and I’m not going to let Jeremy Hunt steal my street cred, so I’ve hooked up my Nintendo Wii and got back into Just Dance. I can throw some pretty mean shapes to ‘Africa’ by Toto, but annoyingly Theresa May still holds the high score on ‘Dancing Queen’.

Getting high

I’m a bit of a Hunter S Thompson on the quiet. Sometimes I’ll neck an extra large coffee with an extra espresso shot. It’s the ultimate buzz. Why do you think I cried on Good Morning Britain? It wasn’t a woefully ill-judged attempt to be popular, it was because I was on a hideous caffeine comedown.

Looking out of the window and crying

Another way to pass the time in isolation is to stare longingly out of the window with a tear rolling down your face, like Rachel from Friends. I’m not suggesting I ever do that – a badass like The Mattster is more likely to be watching a really terrifying horror film like Annabelle and hardly being scared at all.