Heart-rending tale of human suffering prompts man to unsubscribe

THE plight of Syrian families forced to leave their homes has persuaded a man to opt out of further emails.

Tom Logan, from Nottingham, ended his involvement with e-petition site LifeAid after receiving a third message in two weeks about desperate refugees.

Logan said: “I signed up to LifeAid to protest about the closure of a donkey sanctuary near Taunton. Now it’s all Isis and Boko Haram.

“Normally I delete those emails and move on. But something about this one made me sit up and decide to do something. I’m now fully unsubscribed.”

The 27 year-old explained how he found the unsubscribe link underneath the some stuff about a nine year-old Syrian boy who has to read the back of empty cereal cartons because his parents can no longer afford books.

He said: “All I had to do was confirm my email address and now I won’t be bothered by all this ghastliness. Unsubscribing is a small gesture that can make a huge difference. I’d recommend it to anyone.”

Logan has also considered unsubscribing from other mailing lists, but decided that would be an insult to the nice people at Innocent smoothies.

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Farage pledges traditionally xenophobic EU campaign

UKIP’S EU referendum campaign will feature proper British xenophobia and classic, ad-libbed racism, Nigel Farage has promised.

The UKIP leader claimed the referendum, ‘would not be complete without a few belters from the Great UKIP Songbook’.

Farage said: “The official anti-EU campaign will sound weird and foreign. It will speak with a lisp.

“We want this referendum to be about how Romania emits an odour and the fact that Poland isn’t even in Europe.

“But most of all we want it to be about Africans and how unusual they are.”

He insisted UKIP members would be stifled by the ‘out’ campaign’s refusal to use words like ‘swarthy’, ‘gay Indian tsunami’ and ‘the children are all thieves’.

Farage also revealed the UKIP campaign would be funded by the ‘traditional British mix’ of eccentric millionaires and angry people with vulnerable sheds.