Buying expensive paintings of tits: six smug middle-class ways to smash the patriarchy

JUST because you have money and no real desire for radical change it doesn’t mean you can’t be part of the sisterhood. Take on gender inequality in these ultimately meaningless ways:

Buy your toddler son a pink jumper

So much misogyny in men comes from masculine insecurity and societal pressures, learned at an early age. With one quick purchase from Boden, however, you’ve taught your boy a valuable lesson: why take the time to listen and adapt your behaviour, when you can buy a cheap symbol for easy praise instead?

Liking Fleabag

No, it’s not at all patronising that you keep stressing how great it is to have TV shows that prove women can actually be funny, if they try hard enough. Continuing to only talk about one very posh woman in one show that ended years ago is the perfect way to demonstrate how passionate you are about supporting women in the industry. Don’t forget to add how much you adore Andrew Scott as well.

Wearing a trouser suit

Gender conventions seem more rigid than ever, often perpetuated by those expensive magazines you pretend not to buy, like Vogue and Cosmopolitan. However, you’ve smashed these restrictive rules with a woman’s suit from Cos. With no pockets, a super-tight waist and trouserss that only look good in heels, you can finally shake off the chains of enforced femininity.

Expensive paintings of tits

Even in the most developed countries, women are still battling for bodily autonomy. You have made a stand by purchasing a painting with tits on it. It’s hardly Rubens – well, of course not, he was a man – but it still cost a pretty penny and involved you going to a fancy art fair. Do any proceeds go to charity? No. But it raises awareness. Of tits.

Looking natural

There’s so much pressure to use makeup, exercise and even fillers to look acceptable. But you’ve set an excellent example to other women by looking like you’ve not done any of those things, even though you have. Go on, use that extortionate retinol serum and tell them you’re just really good at keeping hydrated.

Telling everyone that you earn a lot of money

The gender pay gap is a terrible, ongoing form of everyday sexism. That’s why it’s important people know that you, a woman, are helping, by making a shedload of cash. Much more cash, in fact, than the men and women alike you thoughtlessly exploit to draw in that huge wage. What a girlboss.

'Eight Labour frontbenchers?! Okay, withdraw the troops,' says Israel

ISRAEL has confirmed it is declaring a ceasefire in Gaza after learning no less than eight Labour frontbenchers voted for one.

All troops are being withdrawn from Gaza after an SNP amendment to the King’s speech lost by 168 votes in the Commons, with 56 Labour MPs and eight members of the shadow Cabinet rebelling to back it.

Israel’s prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu said: “Jess Phillips resigned? Then it’s all over.

“How can we continue our military operations in the face of this level of disapproval from Her Majesty’s Opposition? When Naz Shah and Paula Barker were brave enough to lay down their positions as shadow ministers for crime reduction and devolution respectively?

“As all British left-wingers know, we’ve been waiting for the definitive word on whether this war can continue from Keir Starmer. And because he’s equivocated, we’ve carried on.

“But it’s no longer in Keir’s hands. His selfless, heroic frontbenchers, at considerable cost to themselves, have wrested that power from him. Thanks to you, Rachel Hopkins, all conflict is over.”

He added: “If only Jeremy Corbyn had been leader. None of this would have ever happened.”