A FAMILY that appears ready for an outdoor weekend is actually going to spend it at an out-of-town entertainment complex, it has been confirmed.
Although the Logan family’s Explorer 4000 bike rack and costly cycle equipment suggest a trip to the Lake District, their actual destination is the Cinevision MegaPlex in Stoke.
Dad Tom Logan said: “I got the bikes a year ago but when we went to the countryside it was boring, damp and smelled of animal dung. So now we just drive around with them on the roof.
“When we arrive at the leisure complex on Friday evening we’ll probably be tired from the 20-minute drive, so we’ll just unpack a few things and have a night-time walk to the on-site Wetherspoon’s.
“There isn’t much wildlife there but let’s face it, with a budget of $250 million the latest Marvel will shit on seeing a kingfisher.”