Woman manages to delete Facebook app without making a huge fuss

A WOMAN has caused concern among her friends by deleting Facebook from her phone without making a big deal out if it

Emma Bradford decided to get rid of the app about three weeks ago, but neglected to talk about it incessantly. Her friends became suspicious when she did not immediately respond to a Facebook invitation to dinner with an emoticon of a cat licking a slice of pizza.

Bradford’s friend Nikki Hollis said: “Emma is missing out on vital notifications, but she doesn’t seem to feel the need to make out that it’s an accomplishment akin to giving up heroin.

“When I deleted Facebook from my phone last year I talked constantly about how liberated I felt for a whole three days. But then I had to install it again because I really needed to say happy birthday to someone I haven’t seen for 17 years.”

Bradford said: “My friends have been calling me the ‘Joan of Arc of social media’ on Facebook. I know because I’ve been checking on my phone every five minutes using Safari.”

Jeremy Hunt urges everyone to do something really risky today

THE health secretary has urged Britain to climb ladders, operate power tools and cross roads without looking for the next two days.

Jeremy Hunt wants everyone indulge their reckless side, such as drinking lots of alcohol before operating heavy machinery.

He added: “Aren’t we all sick of not touching a circular saw just to see what it feels like? I know that when I and my friends used to play chicken in front of Inter-City 125 trains it made us all feel so alive. Apart from Peter. Poor Peter.

“For the next two days, forget the namby-pamby nanny state. I want to see fingers in plug sockets, roller-skates at the top of stairs, and when you see the building you’ve always thought you could scale, go for it.

“Don’t be afraid of dying. That would actually help me quite a lot.”