The West made a 'terrible mistake', says one of the West's terrible mistakes

WESTERN countries made a terrible mistake in regards to Putin, according to another terrible political mistake of the Western world.

The West’s decision not to challenge Vladimir Putin over the 2014 annexation of Crimea has been branded a ‘terrible mistake’ by the human embodiment of fatally flawed choices.

Wayne Hayes of Mansfield said: “Fair play, we all knew Putin was shady. We should’ve done something. But Johnson’s an inept, clownish twat who rose to power on the basis of a catastrophic error, so you can see where Russia’s contempt for democracy came from.

“He’s out here saying ‘we let him get away with it.’ Yeah, I can think of another wanker who hangs out with oligarchs who we let get away with a whole bunch of shit.”

Western citizen Donna Sherridan of Hounslow said: “Democracy’s had a few blunders lately: Trump, Brexit, LadBaby. But voting a Latin-spouting serial philanderer from a comedy panel show into Number 10 was our nadir.

“At least America booted out their knobhead-in-chief. Knowing us, we’ll hand our Kremlin-funded knobhead another landslide victory straight after this war. We’re the mistakes.”

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Working hard is the worst possible career strategy

WORKING hard is the worst mistake anyone planning a successful career can make, research has revealed.

Getting your head down and really grafting is more damaging to your career prospects than absenteeism, incompetence, sexual harrassment or fistfighting colleagues in an open-plan office, according to new work by the Institute for Studies.

Professor Henry Brubaker explained: “Progressing through the ranks has no connection to hard work. It’s about networking, Powerpoint panache and constantly broadcasting your achievements.

“Anyone actually working has no time for any of that, because they’re too busy doing everyone else’s work. Consequently they go unnoticed and unrewarded. The fools.”

Chief operating officer Nathan Muir said: “I used to do actual work but then decided I’d have six months off and hang around agreeing with my superiors instead. They haven’t stopped promoting me since.

“It’s all perfectly fair. I even had an interview for this job, though my boss assured me over a sneaky pint that it was a done deal and that we were just doing it to keep HR happy.

Employee Emma Bradford said: “I work diligently and trust that the results will speak for themselves. Then Nathan says he did it.”