Boobs: which ones are best for sex?

MIND-BOGGLING as it is to contemplate, there is a greater variety of size, shape and flavour of boobs than there are of crisps. 

And, as in the snacks aisle of any two-floor Asda, it’s easy to be overwhelmed. Impossible to weigh the pros and cons of each because they’re all, from the Monster Munch to the Tyrrells, wonderful in their own way.

But, given that they’re largely for sex unless you breastfeed a child for a weird number of years, which is best in the bedroom? And why?


If you’ve got big hooters you have the licence to be lazy. Being sexy is a done deal – no need to worrying about the rest of your body or to bring acrobatics to the bedroom when your sweater meat does the work for you. Also – fun bonus – if you wish to murder your husband, you could suffocate him in your décolletage and claim it was a passionate accident.


Boobs unimpressive? Be thankful. Not only do you not have to pretend you enjoy being motorboated, you’ve got the motivation to get creative. Without bosomy laurels to rest on sex will only get hotter as you explore positions and moves those heifers could never handle. Or leave a padded bra on and exchange lack of sensation for pride when your fake cleavage enters your peripheral vision.


Skyward-faced nipples that beckon your lover forwards are the dream boob-shape for any man with half an erection. If you’re young or flukey enough to own a pair, flaunt your superiority: whip them out not only in the bedroom, but at the gym, on the beach, at Insulate Britain protests, striding down the aisle at your ex-boyfriend’s wedding.


Big boobs carry weight, especially when they’ve been ill-used by babies. There can be a tendency toward the pendulous. Women imagine blokes give a shit about this, forgetting they think with their cocks. If you’ve got enough tit to swing slap his hands on them. Now he’s too busy to interfere with your orgasm.

Any at all

Any boob will do. Few men are attractive enough to be picky. The presence of a bare chest of any shape, size or proportion is a win that will have the teenager who lives in their heart air-punching and telling their mates about it. Stop thinking they can act and reason when tits are exposed.

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Your astrological week ahead, with Psychic Bob

Aries, March 21st–April 19th

Parents, be sure to check your children’s Halloween sweets. There have been reports of sick individuals putting Bountys in there.

Taurus, April 20th–May 20th

The grass is always greener on the other side. And the snow is always yellower where the dogs have been.

Gemini, May 21st–June 21st

Don’t be tempted to experiment with a Ouija board this Halloween. You’re already a gullible bastard who believes in horoscopes so there’s no need to advertise it.

Cancer, June 22nd–July 22nd

A friend says he has ‘an exciting project in the pipeline’. You’d find out more, but you’re worried he’s just planning a massive shit.

Leo, July 23rd–August 22nd

Ants can lift up to 20 times their bodyweight, which is still absolutely fuck all. They should stop showing off about it.

Virgo, August 23rd–September 22nd

Films are too long nowadays. ET The Extra-Terrestrial was just 1 hour 45 minutes, and the Zapruder film was only 26 seconds.

Libra, September 23rd–October 22nd

They say when life gives you lemons, make lemonade, but you can’t hope to compete with soft drinks giants like Schweppes. Looks like a popular humorous quote is talking shit again.

Scorpio, October 23rd–November 22nd

‘The Devil hath power to assume a pleasing shape,’ said Shakespeare. If you see a particularly sexy octagon, under no circumstances have sex with it.

Sagittarius, November 22nd–December 21st

As a Sagittarius you are a thinker, a seeker of truth who always needs to know more. How tall is Kirsty Gallacher? Who invented Lilt? Did Skeletor need to shit? 

Capricorn, December 22nd–January 19th

Other famous Capricorns include JRR Tolkien. You haven’t created a vast, richly detailed fantasy world that has enchanted people for almost a century, but you have got weirdly hairy feet.

Aquarius, January 20th–February 18th

Aquarians always think of others, so befriend an old person this winter. Make it clear you want some good stories about killing Germans in the war, not boring shit about their grandchildren.

Pisces, February 19th–March 20th

Have a spooky evening with adult friends this Halloween by telling scary stories about people with no pension who are still renting when they’re 50.