How to create a sex playlist that will put you both right off, by the Mash sex columnist

IF music be the food of love, then why not fill her ears as well as all the other orifices? But just as in sex, one wrong chord and the moment’s dead. 

You can shoot down a boner with a single landfill indie track and it won’t come back, so annoyed is he to hear The Kooks again. If you want to finish stay the hell away from these:

90s house

So easy to segue into from the seducer’s favorite, trip hop – but you’re here to fuck, not to dance. And given the way you dance the two are not compatible. Stepping awkwardly from side to side with zero hip movement and the odd mistimed arm flail won’t locate G-spots. Turn off One Night In Heaven and focus: any lover would choose silence over M People.

Singalong tracks

What is Bohemian Rhapsody doing on your shag playlist? This is no time to imagine you’ve got the vocal range of Freddie Mercury, let alone duet back and forth on the ‘scaramouche!’ bits. If you want to get that Freddie feeling, lube up and invite six men in.

Nu metal

Getting all pumped up while you’re thrusting can be helpful with stamina, but too much Limp Bizkit or Rage Against the Machine and you’ll get less caught up in the thumping beat and more in the mood to actually thump someone. Which isn’t romantic, and nor is wearing a baseball cap backwards.

Anything emotional

Since you’re having sex you’re probably drunk, so avoid getting your emotional buttons pressed. Bursting into tears mid-cunnilingus because Sinéad O’Connor’s got to the sad bit will be not be taken in the spirit it’s felt. It’s as incongruous as opening a bag of cheese & onion Walkers. Save the Neil Young for the post-coital cuddle.

Anything from your youth

Sex and nostalgia do not mix. Getting it on to the whining tones of Damon Albarn will mess with your head as you’re carried back to the horny angst of your teenage years. You were worse at sex back then but it was so much better, you’ll think, lost in reverie.

Free jazz

Any jazz is a problem, but how can you concentrate on fantasising you’re making it with someone other than the man who’s currently inside you while filtering out the screeching honks of a saxophonist touched more by heroin than divine inspiration?

Show tunes

In some ways, sex is a performance, but rutting along to music theatre classics is never a good idea, no matter how smart the rhymes or rousing the tap–dance breaks. So steer clear of Lloyd Webber or you’ll end up raining all over your own parade.

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Your astrological week ahead, with Psychic Bob

Aries, March 21st–April 19th

Little secret: every jacket is reversible. It’s just not all of them tell you.

Taurus, April 20th–May 20th

Last time you stayed in a hotel you had a nightmare about giving Eamonn Holmes a sponge bath, even though you specifically left the Do Not Disturb sign on the door.

Gemini, May 21st–June 21st

Three kings went to visit baby Jesus, but when you were born your Dad smoked three packs of Superkings. So who’s more important?

Cancer, June 22nd–July 22nd

Improv comedy is OK but you can’t help thinking it would be better if they had a chance to script it, then redraft it and rehearse it over a number of months.

Leo, July 23rd–August 22nd

This week you wander into a dodgy newsagents for crisps, and an eye-level rack of pornographic magazines greets you like an old, forgotten friend.

Virgo, August 23rd–September 22nd

Whether you put the milk or the teabags in first, we can all agree that shoplifting is amazing.

Libra, September 23rd–October 22nd

People always talk about the downsides of volcanic eruptions, but what about the advantages? Like it looks cool?

Scorpio, October 23rd–November 22nd

You’re an anti-Vaxxer but fair enough, their vacuum cleaners are total shit. Honestly just get a Henry.

Sagittarius, November 22nd–December 21st

They’re literally called ‘budgie smugglers’. It’s why you bought them. But there’s no mistaking that this budgie did not survive the swim.

Capricorn, December 22nd–January 19th

Everyone’s too easily offended these days. Back during WW2 you could say ‘I love Hitler’ and no-one would bat an eyelid, as long as you were in German-occupied Europe.

Aquarius, January 20th–February 18th

A job on one of the world’s most remote islands has come up, and you’ve applied all the worst pricks you know for it.

Pisces, February 19th–March 20th

Oh what, so you’re being crowned King are you? And I suppose you think that means you’re better than me?