The Archbishop of Canterbury on... seeing the back of Nadine pissing Dorries

WAKING in a police cell, cassock stained and mitre askew, reeking of baby oil, poppers and papaya-scented lube, I piece together events. 

Following the C of E’s decision on gay marriage, myself and some fellow clergymen went on a celebratory tour of West London’s gay nightclubs. I had a capital time, dancing vigorously to tunes by the likes of Man 2 Man Meets Man Parrish.

The last to leave the club at 3am, I undertook a fact finding expedition to Soho’s sleazier X-rated outlets to see what work the Devil was getting up to. To my disgust I found none, merely soulless retail outlets and spurious sweet shops.

Taking the steps of Eros I commenced to preach, my staff aloft in indignation. Unfortunately, the constabulary’s report claimed I was instead ‘unleashing a string of expletives in the direction of the sky while urinating copiously on a public statue.’

Released on bail, sickened by what Soho has become, I return to my chambers where I read that Lee Anderson has been made deputy chairman of the Conservative party.

By the holy ordure of Jesus Christ, Lee Anderson? ‘Nurses can live on 30p a day’ Lee Anderson? It wouldn’t take 30p a fucking minute to keep you stuffed and in the shit shape you fucking are, you ruddy lump of gammony fuck! The corpse of Bernard Manning would make a better, more useful and fucking enlightened deputy chair than this cunt! This isn’t an appointment; this is the Tory Party realising they are fucked for eternity, so they might as well go out on a high with a 2024 general election slogan of Fuck The Nurses! Why the fuck not?

John Cleese, 83, has announced he plans a reboot of his 70s sitcom Fawlty Towers, to be scripted with his daughter Camilla.

No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, fuck no! You’re fucking 83, man, and all you’ve done is age into the sort of senile, reactionary buffoon you used to satirise! Objecting to foreigners in London, ranting at clouds about wokeness, the fucking works! Things have fucking moved on! We don’t think there’s anything inherently funny about being Spanish any more! We don’t have characters who take a fucking hop backwards when they come across a black person any more! While the world’s moved on to 2023, you’ve reverted to about fucking 1953! For the sake of our Lord don’t embarrass yourself, you raving tool!

A national ballot is being held for 10,000 free tickets for Charles III’s coronation concert at Windsor Castle. ‘Global music icons and contemporary stars’ will join the celebrations.

Yeah, because that’s gonna be the fucking Woodstock for this generation, isn’t it? What global icon would be grovelling and inane enough to participate in a feudal shitfest like this? For fucking Prince Charles? Forget this ‘King’ bollocks, no one’s having it. I’ll tell you who’ll be fucking playing: One, Gary Barlow, two Brian May, three the All-New Take That featuring Gary Barlow only, four Queen with guest vocals from Gary Barlow, five fuck off out of my castle, serfs! I’d sooner wank off my dog than waste a fucking weekend on this bollocks!

Finally, Nadine Dorries is to stand down as an MP at the next election. She says she must ‘remove herself’ from ‘infighting and occasional sheer stupidity’.

It was the stupidity that got to you, was it? Must have been fucking galling for a throbbing beacon of fierce intelligence like yourself! You should be grateful there is so much stupidity in the fucking Tory party – it’s the only reason a thick twat like you got a fucking job in it! You’re the perfect fucking illustration of the Cilla Black Syndrome: anyone who chooses to be a Tory is a cunt, but it takes a special kind of twisted, loathsome cunt to be born in Liverpool and become a fucking Tory! Fuck off to oblivion, or your fucking TalkTV chat show, same fucking thing!

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'He's so inspiring,' I told my wife. 'I cannot believe you found a leader even shorter than you,' she agreed

From the diary of Rishi Sunak, Europe’s second-shortest leader

‘CRACK the Pouilly-Fumé if you want,’ my wife said. ‘I get it, you’re excited. Finally a world leader even shorter than you are.’ 

‘No wonder you’re giving him jet fighters. You must feel like such an alpha with him around. Can you get him in your cabinet?’ ‘I think President Zelensky is busy,’ I say, proud she noticed.

‘I suppose he is a comedian,’ Akshata continues. ‘They are always short. Kevin Hart, Syd Little, Ronnie Corbett. It makes them more comical because they are small. Always fucking up like you do but when they do it it’s funny.’

‘Well Voldomyr isn’t a comedian now,’ I say, effortlessly wresting control of the conversation. ‘He is a brave defender of Western civilisation, and I stand foursquare with him.’

‘Well, it’s all you’ve got,’ she observes. ‘But the two of you in those helmets? Ridiculous. Like a pair of little Lego men. You know the ones where the head comes off with the hat?’

‘Anyway,’ I continue undeterred, ‘it was not only the right thing to do but a political coup. Now everyone will know Rishi Sunak is not afraid to stand up for the little man.’

‘The even littler man,’ Akshata said. ‘But it is quite an achievement to give him eight fighter jets in return for a photo opportunity. The air miles I get with my black Amex cost less.

‘Never in the field of human conflict has a prime minister given up so much for so little reward, mm? Not even two points up in the polls.’