
Trains to have full pony access by 2015

THE shake-up of Britain's rail system is to include a multi-million project to make all trains, stations and platforms pony compliant within four years.

Global warming real again

RECORD spring temperatures across the UK have raised concerns that global warming might be a real thing after all.

Police disturb illegal lake monster fighting gang

CONSTABLES called to a nocturnal disturbance in Windermere found a group of men cheering two battling plesiosaurs, it has emerged.

Government u-turn on workshy trees

THE government has abandoned plans to force trees off benefits and into work.

M25 'just ends up back where it started'

THE M25 is a huge waste of money that goes round in a loop to ends exactly where it started, according to a devastating new report.

Northern gibbons are lazy thieves, say scientists

PRIMATES from the northern half of rainforests are more likely to be dishonest than their southerly counterparts, scientists have claimed.

UK's biggest selling car is a goat

RECORD numbers of UK households are ditching the family car for a medium-sized goat.

Giant fox fighting a badger would have been brilliant, say experts

THE UK's biggest fox could probably have beaten a very large badger in an amazing fight, experts have claimed.

Earthquake frightens Cumbrians into giving up incest

CUMBRIANS have imposed a moratorium on sex with close relatives amid fears they may have angered a supernatural being who lives deep in the ground.

Fit An Energy Meter, Says Freddy Krueger

DISFIGURED child murderer Freddy Krueger has asked householders to consider the environment or he may have to tear out their spleens, it emerged last night.