Veganism makes men awesome at gay sex, says PETA


Contentious animal rights group’s new TV advert shows aftermath of vigorous homosexual activity.



NASA discovers World of Work

SCIENTISTS have discovered the World of Work, previously believed to be just a phrase used by politicians and careers advisors.

The World of Work, also known at JG1214B, is an Earth-like planet whose several billion residents not only enjoy full employment but also seem to really like their jobs.

A NASA spokesman said: “This is a huge boon for both the careers industry and parents whose bong-addled children have no aspirations beyond being in Rizzle Kicks.

“The World of Work is proof that there are jobs out there in the universe, albeit several million light years away.”

Inhabitants of the World of Work – dubbed Workians – attend well-designed, airy offices for 40 hours per week, where they do interesting things on Mac-like computers.

In their spare time they visit Earth-style leisure complexes where they buy soft furnishings and watch films starring a being who looks like Adam Sandler.

Careers consultant Nikki Hollis said: “Whenever I’ve talked to young people about the ‘World of Work’ in the past, their eyes have glazed over and they’ve started texting.

“Now I can give them star charts showing its exact co-ordinates, which will really motivate them to get off benefits.”

Cosmologist Roy Hobbs said: “Although initial impressions are positive, it’s unclear whether inhabitants of JG1214B actually have any real fun, ever.

“It seems their leisure activities may simply be ways of temporarily obliterating the tedium which dominates their weekly routine. Also, in conversation the Workians are quite dull.

“I mean, it’s not like any of them are in cool bands or really good stuff like that.”

He added: “We may, in time, be forced to consider whether the World of Work is actually rather shit.”