A disappointingly linear narrative groaning with reactionary tropes - The Guardian reviews porn

GUARDIAN film reviewer Peter Bradshaw turns his critical gaze to [POV] – big tit milf blows pizza guy and swallows, which he finds to be disappointingly predictable.

Not even the two prominent talents of Pornhub stalwart Angela White and the directorial team at Brazzers can salvage this lacklustre outing, which fails to further the pornography format or leave the viewer feeling anything other than degraded or depressed.

Things start badly then get worse. Angela White answers the door wearing next to nothing and the plot proceeds to play out as you would imagine. It’s a disappointingly linear narrative, especially considering other pornos are experimenting with the cumpilation format. Also the first person perspective is tired at this point and can barely sustain the 32 minute 56 second runtime.

The poor characterisation is inexcusable, too. Who is the pizza delivery guy? What does he want? The writers, if they exist, clearly haven’t studied the 12 steps of the Hero’s Journey. Instead they’ve replaced them with lengthy sequences of almost mechanical fellatio which overstay their welcome.

Unsurprisingly, this film fails the Bechdel test, meaning I cannot recommend it as a Guardian journalist. This is not Ms White’s fault. One fears that even if she were accompanied by Jasmine James or Riley Reid, their dialogue would still be phallocentric and do little to further the feminist cause.

After the hero expels his seed the film comes to an abrupt close with none of the thematic elements established in the first act getting a payoff. Is the pizza delivered successfully? Is it a metaphor for consumerist ideals failing to quell the urges of human instinct? It’s never made clear.

Ultimately this is a disappointing watch and viewers would be better off watching something more esoteric instead like real amateur housewives or hentai.

Verdict: two stars

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The things other teenagers' parents all let them do, according to your teenager

YOUR teenage child has informed you that your parenting is senselessly restrictive compared to the parenting of their peers, who are allowed to do the following:

Stay out all night (Grace Wood-Morris, aged 13)

Apparently Grace’s parents set no restrictions on when she has to be home despite her only being in year seven. She can stay out until midnight on a school night if she likes. How this accords with sightings of Grace being ordered in from outside the Co-op at 8pm goes unanswered.

Play Xbox until 3am (Jordan Gardner, aged 12)

Jordan, who will soon be earning millions as a pro Twitch streamer, has parents who recognise that he needs to put in as many hours as necessary to realise his dream. Any visionary father would do likewise. You hold back your view that Jordan is a fat friendless loser and dismiss your son so you can play on your own bloody Xbox for a change.

Have an iPhone 14 Pro Max (Ryan Whittaker, aged 13)

If Ryan is allowed the latest iPhone, which he uses to make ‘S-tier’ TikTok videos that ‘slap’, why is your daughter not? Your gentle explanation that you cannot afford £1,199 after she lost her last phone ‘in a field’ is deemed a mere excuse.

Wear whatever she likes (Sophie Rodriguez, aged 14)

Sophie’s mum allows her to choose her own clothes. She is the fashion pioneer of year eight and attended the school disco in a bikini top, briefly, before Mr Richardson sent her home. Having observed how Sophie’s mum dresses, you f**king bet she does.

Call her mum a bitch (Lucy Parry, aged 15)

Lucy Parry is not required to be polite to her parents and regularly, she informs her classmates, calls her mum a bitch, a cow and a fat ugly slag. Lucy is deputy head girl and her mum is the local vicar. You doubt the veracity of Lucy’s claims.

Smoke weed (Josh Hudson, aged 15)

Josh is allowed to smoke weed and says it actually makes him calmer and a better student. You carefully explain to your son about the damage cannabis does to developing minds and that Josh is exaggerating, neglecting to mention you bought £40 of skunk off his dad last week.