British remake of Cocaine Bear stars fox off its tits on blue WKD

HOPING to capitalise on the success of the exploits of a drug-addled animal, film producers have reimagined Cocaine Bear for the British market.

While the original tells the tale of the bloody fallout after a wild bear swallows an entire block of cocaine, the remake follows the aftermath of an urban fox lapping up a discarded WKD Blue in a Wetherspoons car park.

Director Jack Browne said: “We wanted to keep the spirit of the original, while also staying true to the locations and wildlife of Britain. So rather than a bear going on a violent rampage through small town America, our film sees a drunk fox trying to bite a postman in a Milton Keynes cul-de-sac.

“We’re breaking new ground in terms of CGI. Creating a realistic-looking fox is child’s play, but bringing one to life that’s staggering about out of its tree on alcopops? That’s new territory.”

Critics have labelled the remake ‘completely unnecessary’, ‘entirely underwhelming’ and ‘stupid bollocks’, but the film’s creators remain defiant.

Browne said: “Focus groups have demonstrated that things like cocaine and bears are far too exotic and unrelatable for British audiences.

“So our film shows stuff they’re familiar with, like a fox knocking some bins over or drinking so much sugary pre-made vodka mix that you piss yourself.”

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Have you got an unhealthy cleaning obsession, ladies? Take my test, by a man

HEY ladies, are you unreasonably obsessed with domestic hygiene? Find out with this helpful test by me, a man.

How often should bedding be washed?

A) Every couple of weeks, when you have time between your full-time job and all the other tasks of an adult.

B) Twice a year, unless a woman is coming round who you hope to sleep with, in which case you will begrudgingly change the sheet.

What should the grout around your tiles look like?

A) White, if you don’t examine it too closely.

B) An alarming orange colour that will not even come off even if you panic and slosh large amounts of neat bleach on it because your mum is visiting.

What should a toothbrush holder contain?

A) Toothpaste and the toothbrush you are currently using.

B) Toothpaste, the toothbrush you are currently using – as well as four old worn-out ones – and a brown paste of accumulated spit and grime at the bottom of the holder. It’s not like anyone can see it.

What should be displayed on your coffee table?

A) A carefully chosen art book and the scented candle you got for Christmas.

B) A selection of empty crisp packets and beer bottles from last night’s TV marathon, plus an old inner tube you meant to fix three months ago.

What colour and texture should your hob be?

A) Lovely and smooth with shiny chrome.

B) Who knows? It’s hidden under a thick layer of burnt grease, old soup and spilled soy sauce that you can’t be arsed to scrape off.

How often should the recycling be taken out?

A) Every week, on the correct day.

B) When the pile has crept so far up the wall that it falls over and spills old beer and silverfish all over the floor.


Mostly As: You have a mad fixation on cleaning that borders on the obsessive. In fact, you should probably get therapy for it, if you can bear to take some time out from mopping the floor.

Mostly Bs: You do a completely normal and reasonable amount of cleaning. Yeah, there’s a constant unpleasant smell in the house but that’s definitely not related to the fact that you haven’t scrubbed the toilet for six years.