Man forced to watch period drama that doesn't even have tits in

A MAN has been tricked into watching a historical drama that is not even one of the good ones with heaving bosoms and period-accurate lesbian threesomes. 

Julian Cook reluctantly agreed to watch Peterloo on the basis that it would no doubt feature repressed but sexy women giving in to their forbidden urges with plenty of gasping and lingering tit shots, and was sorely disappointed.

He said: “History’s boring, but sometimes it can be hot. So, assuming it was a raunchy adaptation of the kind that gets the Daily Mail fulminating about licence fees, I signed up.

“But it turned out to be all about some riot in Manchester for more democracy, and that’s a tough wank. Can a drama really be historically accurate if it ignores all spankings, nude romps and adulterous scenes, preferably featuring Jenna Coleman?

“An hour in and there wasn’t a single rump gyrating by candlelight. I got momentarily hopeful when the neighbour out of Shameless turned up but not one boob.

“Was it too much to hope for even one scene of a corset being ripped open or a young fop visiting a brothel for his first threesome? It would have added to the story, whatever the story was. I pay my licence fee to be kept informed of such important historical facts.”

Wife Keeley Cook said: “Yeah, it was shit. Nobody emerged shirtless from a lake wearing leather breeches in two f**king hours.”

Spanish FA boss reluctantly agrees to kiss the rest of team

SPANISH FA president Luis Rubiales has agreed to kiss all the rest of the girls on his country’s World Cup-winning football team if that will make them happy.  

Rubiales has reluctantly accepted that he upset the squad by kissing forward Jenni Hermoso on the lips during celebrations, making the other players jealous that she was his favourite.

He said: “Girls. Calm down. There is plenty of Rubiales to go around.

“Why are women like this? One of their number is blessed by my lips and the bitchiness and the ostracism begins. Why can you not just be pleased for Jenni for being so favoured?

“Instead the whole incredible story of your World Cup victory, which really should have been the focus of this last week, has been overshadowed by ‘she was kissed on the lips by the handsome man and I wasn’t’. It really proves women are not suited to sport.

“But yes, okay, to end all the envy and backbiting and frosty silences that poor Jenni is suffering I will make this right by kissing all of you. Please, form a queue at my hot tub.”

He added: “I hear in England their run to the final has been eclipsed by the goalkeeper being furious about her outfit. Women.”