Banks reassure customers that no savings will be passed on to them

THE UK’s borrowers and mortgage-holders have been reassured that yesterday’s interest rate cut will not affect their monthly repayments. 

Lenders have pledged to compensate for the Bank of England’s potentially destabilising 0.25 per cent cut by keeping their own borrowing rates unchanged and steady.

A spokesman for the British Bankers’ Association said: “British borrowers panicking about how this move will impact household budgets can relax. Everything is staying exactly the same.

“We will not irresponsibly alarm debtors with wild changes to their repayments which leave them confused and burdened with surplus cash.

“Whether you are a householder, a business or weighed down with a large amount of personal debt, rest assured that we will protect you against the financial shock of falling interest rates.

“Quite simply, it’s what we’re here for.”

Homeowner Joanna Kramer said: “If I’d had that extra £22 a month I’d only have spent it, raising retailer confidence and making the coming crash that much worse.

“It’s best the banks keep any extra in their hands. I know we can trust them.”

Millions take 'digital detox' to remind themselves how bored they used to be

ONE-THIRD of UK internet users have taken a break from the web to remember how boring and inconvenient life used to be. 

34 per cent of Britons have taken a month off the web to stare into space, not know anything and spend a lot less time talking to friends. 

Tom Logan of Durham said: “I was sitting on the settee staring at my smartphone every night, sure, but I wasn’t appreciating it the way I used to. 

“So I swore off for a whole month. I missed trains, I missed meetings, I was absolutely oblivious to major news events for hours at a time. 

“Instead of twiddling around watching Netflix or sharing hilarious memes with pals, I was slumped on a late bus unable to meet the eye of my own despondent reflection, just like in the 90s. 

“Anyone who’s ever had negative thoughts about technology should do the same. You’ll never be so foolish again.” 

Logan added: “I also got fired, because I need internet for work, and then got my benefits sanctioned because I didn’t apply for jobs online. But still worth it.”