'We earn £190K a year. Should we sell a child so we can buy another flat?'

By most measures Tom and Sarah Logan would be considered affluent.

Their respective careers – in software design and some sort of marketing bullshit  – give them a joint income of £190,000. They also own a pair of children with a combined value of more than £250,000.

But the couple are worried about becoming ‘financially spunked’ as the sheer cost of middle-class life in London means they can only afford one large house and one buy-to-let flat.

Meanwhile, the financial pressures of raising a property portfolio has lead them to rack up credit card debts on school fees and children’s food.

They have two sons, Charlie who is five and a three-year-old that they reckon is probably called Ollie. Having both been privately educated themselves, Tom and Sarah were keen for the boys to have the same experience, but have decided it is not as good value as buying another flat.

The dilemma is how to expand their portfolio without selling one or both of their existing children.

The expert view:
Tom Booker, head of child sales at Porter, Pinkney and Turner
Sell both children, but insert a clause where you can buy them back at 22 when they have finished university and have learned to drive.

Martin Bishop, financial adviser at Donnelly-McPartlin
By leasing one of the children, you can increase your buy to let borrowing power and offset your tax bill. The other child could be given a second hand fishing rod and told to catch his own meals.

Charity launches National Smartphone Day

A CHARITY has launched a special day to raise awareness about underused smartphones.

There is growing concern that people could neglect their phones in favour of playing sports, going to art galleries and conducting face-to-face conversations.

Martin Bishop, director of the charity the Mobile Operators Association, said: “Just for one day, instead of visiting an old friend or relative, why not send them a text instead?

“Or, rather than taking part in some dreary community gardening project, why not sit indoors, draw the curtains and play Minecraft? It’s great exercise for the fingertips and teaches you what to do in the event of a cyber-monster attack.”

On April 22nd next year, the charity will stage events in libraries and community centres across the country, including Instagram workshops and counselling for people with only 20 minutes of battery left.

Bishop added: “We want as many people as possible to check the temperature in Denver, Colorado because you can and you’re bored, or leave a comment about the Global Jewish Conspiracy underneath a Beyonce video on YouTube.”