Are you a 'fake virus' conspiracy twat?

DO you believe coronavirus is part of some impossibly complicated conspiracy? Take our test and find out if your brains have fallen out.

What do you believe caused the coronavirus crisis?

A) It seems to have started in a Wuhan food market.

B) A shadowy cabal of secret rulers who wish to both enslave and depopulate the globe using the deadliest weapon of mass extermination known to mankind – the 5G phone network.

How do you keep up-to-date about the crisis?

A) Reasonably trustworthy media such as the BBC, Guardian and FT.

B) A Facebook page belonging to ‘Freeman Barry’ full of people obsessed with paedophile conspiracies, flat earth theorists, anti-vaxxers, libertarians, UFO fans, idiots who think the CIA did 9/11, free energy buffs, common purpose bellends and a woman called Sue who believes there are ‘shadow people’ living in her loft.

Do you go on anti-lockdown demos?

A) No. That seems quite stupid, given this thing called ‘coronavirus’.

B) Yes. I was there in the middle of a big crowd in Hyde Park at the weekend, carrying an amateurish placard that read: “NOT a SHEEPLE!!! Give me ‘DEATH’ or give me ‘LIBORTY’!!!”

Who is in on the coronavirus conspiracy?

A) No one. It’s just a silly story made up to make weirdos feel knowledgeable and important.

B) All doctors, nurses and police officers, the ‘lamestream’ media, the army, scientists, civil servants, local councils and everyone who works for the tourist board. They’ve all kept quiet about it. Also every world government, except for the trustworthy, truthful ones like Trump and Putin.

Mostly As: You are not a barking mad conspiracy twat. Give yourself a pat on the back, although it’s not much of an achievement.

Mostly Bs: You’ve gone down the rabbit hole. Maybe do a course in critical thinking, although this may prove difficult if you’re currently on a ventilator due to your stupid beliefs.

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Woman no longer watching This Morning ironically

A WOMAN has realised that she is no longer watching This Morning for a laugh and is genuinely just watching it. 

Emma Bradford admitted she now gets up religiously to tune in, has caught herself smiling through the opening credits, and hums the theme while pottering about the house.

Bradford said: “Normally I would relentlessly ridicule anyone who watches This Morning for any reason other than to get screenshots to put on Twitter. 

“I thought it was just for the freaks of society, who have literally nothing better to do than watch two fairly bland presenters talk to Z-list celebrities and ‘experts’ on everything from relationships to Tupperware boxes. 

“But now I actually look forward to it every morning. I’ve even laughed along with something Phil or Holly says, rather than laughing at them. It’s like I’ve had a head injury with weird effects.

“Maybe lockdown has given me a newfound appreciation for the constants in my life, while everything else has been thrown into a whirlwind of disarray.

“Either that or I’ve just gone really thick.”