'It's the weed,' says Biden

PRESIDENT Biden has hit out at critics who blame his failing memory on his age, saying it is because he smokes copious amounts of marijuana.
He condemned a special counsel report which said his recollections had ‘significant limitations’ because he is ‘an elderly man with a poor memory’ for overlooking a daily cannabis habit he described as ‘heroic’.
He said: “First off, if you remember the Obama administration, you weren’t there.
“Second, obviously I have short-term memory problems. That’s because, in the short-term, it’s never longer than 30 minutes since I last blazed a blunt.
“I’m American. And what it means to be American in the 21st century is to be stoned: at home, at work, and at play. This isn’t senility. I am permanently bombed. I am the weedhead leader of a weedhead nation, as our hemp-farming founding fathers intended.
“To me, a folder stamped Classified Top Secret is just so much roach material. So quit with this memory shit. You know who needs regular bong hits in his life? Trump.”
Jules Cook of Santa Fe said: “For real, he’s dead on about Trump. Motherf**ker got to chill.”