Woman’s headache caused by every single aspect of her life

A WOMAN’S headaches are caused by her job, commute, family life, relationship with her partner and hobbies, she has found. 

Joanna Kramer, a marketing data analyst, said: “The doctor recommended I cut down the amount of time I spend looking at screens, which is all of my job and 90 per cent of my leisure time.

“She also said to reduce stress, which is most of my job, the 10 hours I spend commuting every week, and every moment of being a parent to a three-year-old.

“Also I should deal with any emotional pressure points, like raising a child with a man I frankly don’t like anymore, and I should stop drinking alcohol which is how I cope with all of the above.

“So life with a headache. I guess that’s what’s going on.”

Dr Emma Bradford, Kramer’s GP, said: “I could have prescribed some pills, but it wouldn’t have dealt with her underlying lifestyle problems.

“God, I love being superior.”

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Bus driver gives change from a tenner without being a twat about it

A BUS driver has given change from a £10 note without acting like it is a natural disaster.

Manchester driver Norman Steele reached into his top pocket and produced a five pound note which he then handed to passenger Martin Bishop, along with rest of the change, without saying a word.

Bishop said: “I was fully expecting a brief but nasty lecture, or at least a huge, heaving sigh, but he just handed over the money without acting like it comes out of his wages.”

But Steele said: “I’m just in a reasonably good mood today. Normally I would have been an absolute arsehole.”

Steele said his passengers were lucky they were not in London, where you cannot pay with money, or in Edinburgh where you have to have the exact change.

He added: “I might go drive a bus in London or Edinburgh then. That way I can really be a dick to people who simply want to exchange money for a bus journey.”