Horny woke man worried his fantasies are problematic

A HORNY man committed to political equality and social justice is carefully vetting his wild sexual fantasies for problematic content, he has confirmed. 

Jack Browne was idly dreaming up erotic scenarios at his desk when he realised that many of the sexually arousing images and situations could see him cancelled online.

He said: “Hotel chambermaid’s a classic, right? Frilly little skirt? But is that exploitation of the working class? And am I whitewashing realities if it’s not an ethnic minority?

“I feel I have a duty to represent the marginalised in my fantasies so they feel seen, but honestly race is a minefield. Exploitation everywhere. Even when I fantasise full consent I can’t be sure it’s not coerced.

“And the one about being given a spongebath by two hot nurses making out is clearly unethical, given the pressure on the NHS. Plus their sexuality is not my spectacle, and it’s hard to sustain an erection when you keep visualising the thinkpiece in the Guardian.

“From now on I’m only imagining bland, vanilla sex with anonymous partners that doesn’t infringe on anyone’s human rights. And it’ll all be missionary.

“F**k, can you say missionary? Isn’t that white settler colonialism at its absolute worst?”

Selfish Brits ruining economy by being paid enough to live

RISHI Sunak has criticised self-centred British wage earners for receiving pay rises sufficient to feed, clothe and house themselves. 

The prime minister has asked how he is expected to manage an economy where, just for going to work, Britons have received pay rises that are still quite a bit lower than inflation.

He continued: “It’s self self self with you bastards. Who cares about Britain’s prospects for growth as long as you’re getting yours, eh?

“By now you should be living from value-brand meal to value-brand meal, wearing your father’s hand-me-down boot-cut jeans from 1998, selling off your furniture to foreigners. But instead you pricks are out there buying stuff.

“What’s wrong with you? What happened to the plan we agreed, where you get poorer and poorer every year while we cut public services to the bone? Can’t you see that’s the only route to tax cuts for wealth creators?

“A 7.8 per cent pay rise? And I suppose you ‘need it’ to ‘pay your mortgage’? What happened to getting evicted? What happened to going on the game? Where has this country’s resourcefulness gone?

“And now I’m going to have to take it all out on the public sector. Those poor nurses. You did this to them.”