Nation's women reminded they have legs and they hate them

WOMEN across the country are remembering that they have legs – and f**king loathe them – due to the return of sunny weather.

The sun has prompted many ladies to don shorts and shorter dresses and skirts, bringing an unwelcome reminder of the two limbs that keep them ambulatory.

Until deciding to put on a lightweight summer dress this morning, Carolyn Ryan, 27, was blissfully unaware of the existence of her own legs.

She said: “I’d completely forgotten about the bastards. But it’s sunny so I’m wearing a perfectly nice, slightly shorter dress. Imagine my horror when I looked down, saw this pair of awful things I’m forced to move around on and it all came flooding back.

“They’re enormous, they’re pale, and they’re covered in minor imperfections and little patches of hair I missed with the razor. My friends tell me I’m being silly – but they don’t know what it’s like being attached to these monstrous tentacles.”

The warmer temperatures have also forced Eleanor Shaw, 35, to remember her legs – and the seething hatred she feels for them.  

She said: “Summer is a lose-lose situation. You spend half your time having your legs ogled by dickhead blokes and the other half putting yourself down because of them.

“Life is just so much easier without legs. I can’t wait for autumn when I can hide them away in tights and jeans and completely forget they’re there again.”

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What your uncoordinated white guy dance moves say about you as a lover

ARE you looking to pull on a night out clubbing? Unfortunately for you, your dancing is already warning any potential partner just how atrocious you’ll be in the bedroom.


What woman wouldn’t be attracted to a pissed man erratically trying to hump the air in time to Eye of the Tiger? If your dancing is this groin-oriented, you’re likely overcompensating for something. Anyone lucky enough to pull you is in for 11 to 15 seconds of wild intercourse.

The Macarena

The most obvious and well-known of all dances. A routine so simple, even your nan can pull it off at a wedding. However, for all its accessibility, it’s sexual suicide to break it out in a club. It screams that you’re profoundly tedious and predictable, and only have sex in the missionary position. Taking your socks off would just be perverted.

The worm (badly)

You have to be pretty limber to do this, so chances are you’ll just squirm around helplessly like a child dicking about in the playground. It also smacks of overconfidence in your own abilities, implying you’ll be some sleazeball going ‘D’you like that, baby? Yeah?’ throughout sex. Just to top it off, after lying down on the dancefloor you will probably be quite grubby. Best avoided.


When philosopher Thomas Hobbes theorised that the life of pre-modern humans was ‘nasty, brutish and short’ he could equally have been describing how anyone who thinks fist-pumping is an acceptable form of dancing makes love. If your default response to hearing music is to try beat up the air, then you’re probably not going to be a very sensitive lover.


Clapping your hands in time to a song is perhaps the go-to dance for every middle-aged uncle in history, and as such you’ll be regarded as sexually toxic. Frankly, it’s doubtful whether you’ve ever even actually had sex if this is all you’ve got to offer on a dancefloor.


While you might think that throwing some ironic dance moves shows you’ve got a sense of humour, you’re mistaken. All it proves is that you’re far too insecure about your own body to actually dance, and therefore make love, with confidence. It’s almost guaranteed that you’ll continue making jokes during sex to relieve your feelings of tension. No one wants to hear you say ‘Thar she blows!’ at the point of orgasm.