Q&A: Why has the press turned against this twat they made prime minister?

ARE you baffled by why the right-wing press has suddenly turned against loveable, hilarious ‘Boris’? Read our Q&A for some possible answers.

Didn’t the press love ‘Boris’ not long ago?

They knew he was a feckless idiot but thought he’d win an election. Now he appears to be mentally unravelling and they’re getting rid before he makes lewd comments about Mummy Pig outside Downing Street in a drunken haze. 

I suppose they’re upset about all the deaths from Covid.

Ha ha ha. They like all the clickable horror stories about fitness buff dads dying, but they also hate measures to stop it. Maybe it’s libertarian dogma, maybe it’s business interests, but you’ll see a headline ‘Covid deaths at new high’ immediately followed by ‘Get back to the office, you snowflake nancy boys!’ 

I’m still surprised by the amount of criticism.

The press loves personalised hate vendettas against individuals that would see an ordinary person in court charged with harassment. It’s hard to break such an enjoyable habit.

Doesn’t the press always support the Tories though? 

Yes, which is why ‘Boris’ might have to f**k off for the good of the party. Replacements are available. Rishi Sunak is quite popular, until he turns out to be another horrible Tory bastard. Or possibly one of the aliens from V. And Rupert Murdoch has a hard-on for Michael Gove, despite most voters thinking he’s a weird little gnome. Apologies for that mental image.

So don’t they want to go for a pint with Johnson now?

Apparently not. ‘Boris’ was a joker who was also fiercely intelligent and would rise to the occasion, but above all he’d be fantastic company in the pub. Now we realise he’d fail to turn up, or expect you to buy all the drinks and make an arse of himself with women which you’d have to keep apologising for. 

Couldn’t the press just give him a warning?

Hmm. You could warn Johnson about the very real dangers of putting your penis in a light socket and he’d still end up in A&E with a frazzled knob if no other orifices were available.

Why the demise of French exchange trips is a good thing, by a Brexiter

POST-BREXIT rules could spell the end of French exchange trips for British schoolchildren. Leave voter Wayne Hayes explains why keeping your kids away from the French is for the best.

The French are all sex mad

If ‘Allo ‘Allo! taught us anything, it’s that the French are always running around trying to shag each other. As soon as he arrives there, the mother of the French host family will try to seduce your 17-year-old son. And how would you like it if your daughter got pregnant by some bloke who smells of Gitanes?

France is full of illegal immigrants

Even if your child survives going to France, while they’re waiting to catch the ferry back from Calais an illegal migrant could climb into their suitcase and get a free ride over here. And under this soft-touch government, you’d probably be forced to house them and get them free pizza every day.

We don’t need to learn French

Someone from UKIP told me before the referendum that the EU were going to force us all to learn foreign languages, so it’s a good job we left when we did. Why should we have to speak French? Nobody in my cul-de-sac does. English has got words for everything we need from omelettes to maisonettes.

The food’s disgusting

I’m not letting my kids go over there and eat crap like frog legs, horses, snails and garlic. I’ll stick with Tesco, thanks, rather than getting my dinner from a pond. And I’m not going to have some poncey French kid come here and turn their nose up at us when we give them McDonald’s every day.

France might get invaded

You know what would happen if France got invaded again? That’s right, they’d surrender. And you don’t want your son or daughter getting stuck across the Channel until England has to go and save the day again.