Six health benefits of giving me a blowjob: A man explains

GIVING blowjobs is vital for your health, and the fact that I, a man, enjoy them immensely is just a coincidence. Here’s how oral sex will keep you in tip-top condition, especially if you swallow.

It will make you happy

Yes, that’s right. My pleasure is just a by-product of the extreme sense of relaxation and wellbeing you will feel if I pop my penis in your mouth. It’s because semen has been proven in a very dubious and limited scientific study to reduce symptoms of depression. Why would any male scientist make that finding up?

It cures insomnia

If you don’t have insomnia, that’s fine. It’ll help you get a good night’s sleep and we all need that – especially me after you’ve given me a blowjob. In fact, post-BJ sleepiness could be a special thing we can share as a couple, like a simultaneous orgasm, but with unconsciousness.

It lowers the risk of cancer

A study, which unfortunately I don’t have a link to, shows that giving head will lower your chances of getting breast cancer, and in fact all cancers and diseases. But only if you do it once a day. I know that seems excessive, but you can’t argue with science.

It’s anti-ageing

There’s a chemical in sperm called spermohexydioxide, which I definitely did not just make up, that slows down the ageing process. Just think of all the money I’m saving you on expensive creams and serums as I nudge your head down towards my crotch. No need to rub it on your face, swallowing works best, I assume. Why don’t we do a case study together? 

It offers pain relief

Spunk contains oxytocin and endorphins which are natural painkillers. So when you next have a headache, boob ache, vag ache, whatever ache, I’ll be there by your sickbed, kindly expecting a blowie.

It improves your memory

If you want to remember why you vowed to stop dating wankers like me, a few blowjobs might help, because jizz is packed with nutrients that improve your memory. Probably zinc and that. So sucking me off is like taking a multivitamin – although admittedly a little harder to swallow and less fruity-tasting.

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Millennial remembers 80s better than his own boring decade

A 34-YEAR-OLD man has far more vivid recollections of the 1980s than his own formative decade the ‘noughties’.

Oliver O’Connor recalls bugger all about 2000 to 2010, despite these being his teen and college years, whereas the 1980s, which he experienced two years of as a baby, was easily the best decade of his life.

He said: “The Smiths, New Order, Prince, The Cure, The Human League, Simple Minds – what a decade for music. I wish I could go back to those days. I mean I was a foetus, but what a time to be a foetus.

“And the TV – Only Fools and Horses, The Young Ones, Minder. It was classic shows like that that gave me my lifelong passion for repeats.”

The noughties, in which he attained puberty, made new friends, passed his driving test and went to university, have left O’Connor with no recollection of pop culture or indeed anything much, except exams.

He added: “It’s all a bit of a blur to me. Actually, there was Blur, wasn’t there? No, they were the 90s. What else? Did anything happen? I’m racking my brains but I don’t think it did. 

“Oh yeah, Two Pints of Lager And a Packet of Crisps. There were about 800 episodes of that. Didn’t watch any.”