Arseholes to meet up before heading off to arsehole pub

A GROUP of arseholes has announced plans to go the pub where all the arseholes go.

Alpha arsehole Nathan Muir carefully selected the pub based on its ridiculous decor, humorously-named cocktails, and proximity to the office where he and his fellow arseholes do their arsehole jobs.

Cook said: “I really like hanging out around people whose collars are a different colour to the rest of their shirts, whether it’s to watch the rugby or for a quick pint discussing how much we all earn.

“This place has got a real arsehole vibe, from the arsehole bar snacks to the arsehole music that appeals specifically to arseholes like me.

“We’re going to put our ties around our heads and sexually harass the staff. It’ll be mad banter.”

Cook’s arsehole colleague Tom Logan added: “I wear half a kilo of hairgel and a bow tie, so I can really be myself at the arsehole pub.

“Nobody will mock me for my lack of chin or full-bore idiocy because we arseholes stick together. They’ll just mock me for the school I went to and imply that I am a sexual deviant while I bray deafeningly.”

Passer-by Roy Hobbs said: “You don’t want to go in that pub, mate. It’s full of arseholes.”

Firing banknotes out of cannon into Channel cheaper than no-deal Brexit

TOP economists have urged the government to consider shooting bundles of £50 notes into the sea as an alternative to a no-deal Brexit.

By replacing present policy with the construction of enormous cannon on the cliffs of Dover, stuffed with cash and able to fire twice per minute, British taxpayers could save billions.

Economist Carolyn Ryan said: “The cannon could be gold-plated and the largest ever built, with a lavish opening ceremony at which Beyoncé, the Rolling Stones and Paul McCartney perform, and we would still have countless extra millions to invest in public services.

“Think of it. Round after round of hard cash arcing into the water and scattering on the waves, stimulating the economy by occasionally washing to shore in Hartlepool.

“Another option is to invest 20 per cent of our GDP in gold dust and introduce it to the water supply so that as a country we would literally piss it away.”