Corporate arsehole to creepy loner: landlords from best to worst

WHETHER scum, parasites or bastards, there are few professions lower than the landlord. Here are the varieties they come in, in descending order:  

Your parents

If you’re the kind of student whose parents bought you – or worse, already had – a two-bed city flat, then you’re already as bad as them. Anyway it’s an investment, or so you’ll tell everyone to try to justify it. Deeply uncool, but at £200/month rent and no bills who gives a f**k?

Rich kid wanker

If you’re not lucky or contemptible enough to be the above, you may have the good fortune to rent from one. They don’t need the cash so they’ll be pedantic about the rent down to the last penny. But they’re so thick you can scam them easily, or negotiate a discounted rate by selling them weed.

Chaotic family

It’s never clear who exactly your landlord is, because every time you phone you’ll speak to a different person. Try asking for a plumber and you’ll get a random man with a plastic bag who may or may not be another relation. Friendly and not too rapacious, but the creative electrical wiring does make the place a death trap.

Obvious criminal

By their very nature landlords are criminal, but this type clearly does it as a day job as well. An exacting list of instructions, including a list of names to deny all knowledge of and never to enter the locked attic which is clearly a cannabis farm, came with the property. Deeply illegal shit is going on. On the other hand, you pay rent weekly in cash and it’s f**k all.

Creepy loner

Who is he? Where is he from? How does he own a rather nice flat? Nobody knows. His jokes about wanting to be invited around more are, it is increasingly apparent, not jokes. His ‘surprise inspections’ where he lets himself in of an evening are becoming more frequent. He may have fitted hidden cameras. But it’s a nice flat.

Corporate arsehole

Despite the shiny exterior, any request for the most basic standards of living will be met with the sighs and complaints of a petulant teenager. You’re paying huge sums in rent, it doubles every lease renewal, and he’s already explained that he ‘doesn’t return deposits’. He finds your lack of respect for a man trying to run a profitable business so disappointing.

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Elon Musk's tech guru bullshit scientifically rated

YESTERDAY’S SpaceX launch was predictably cancelled at the last moment because Elon Musk overpromises on all his tech projects. Like these: 

Tesla cars

Teslas are cars, and they are electric, so Elon really delivered here. Or rather the people who created Tesla before he bought it did. Only niggling problems remain, such as complaints about build quality and costing ten grand more than a new Audi. But who hasn’t got a spare £10k kicking around? Have a look down the sofa.

Scientific bullshit rating: 2/10

Self-driving Tesla cars

Elon is so committed to this he’s been promising a self-driving Tesla every year since 2014. What’s more, it can be used as a taxi when you’re not in it, earning you an estimated $30,000 a year so you can retire! This vehicle is amazing, and doesn’t exist.

Scientific bullshit rating: 7/10

The Hyperloop

A vacuum tube would allow train-like pods to transport passengers at 760 mph. Dogged by minor problems like maintaining a vacuum seal on the biggest pipes ever and the extreme fatality of sudden deceleration, it was abandoned in 2022 before anyone got turned into jam.

Scientific bullshit rating: 8/10

Tesla robots

After years of promises and fake demonstration videos, Elon has produced an incredibly wobbly robot that performs undemanding lifting tasks at a snail’s pace in a controlled environment. If Tesla robots turn evil and try to enslave mankind they can be defeated by a small child gently pushing them.

Scientific bullshit rating: 5/10


Musk promised to make Twitter a beacon of free speech, although only right-wingers had believed it was Soviet Russia before. Indeed, it was and still is a beacon of lies, racism and personal abuse. Elon is charging for verification, confident no deceitful person could afford $8 a month, and Joe Biden has tweeted that he agrees during a break from sucking adrenochrome out of children.

Scientific bullshit rating: 6/10

The Boring Company

Its highest-profile project was ‘custom pods’ zipping along at 150 mph beneath the streets of congested Las Vegas. Six years in 1.7 miles of narrow, vastly expensive tunnel allows normal cars to squeeze along at 30 mph at best. Still, the name appeals to anyone with a stunted sense of humour so has given Elon hours of hilarity.

Scientific bullshit rating: 7/10

Passenger rockets

Go anywhere on earth in less than an hour for the price of a plane ticket in a rocket that gently rotates and lands vertically? Who needs safety procedures that took the airline industry decades to develop? Or cost estimates that aren’t total bullshit?

Scientific bullshit rating: 9/10

Mars colony

Elon aims to have a Mars colony up and running by 2027, and a million people living there by 2050. None of it has been thought through; farming domes aren’t practical, so you’d spend the remainder of your short life in a claustrophobic box wondering which of a million possible technical failures would soon to kill you. Even the toilet breaking would be a source of constant terror with spare parts 243 million kilometres away.

Scientific bullshit rating: 10/10