Get right up their arse: How to gently encourage other road users, by a twat in a company car

AN important salesman like me notices when other drivers lack confidence, doing stupid things like obeying the speed limit. Here’s how I politely school them to become better drivers.

Get right up their arse

All other drivers need a friendly reminder to get the f**k out of your way. That’s why your first port of call should always be a bit of good old-fashioned tailgating. Make sure you’re inches from their rear bumper, so all they can see in their rear-view mirror is your livid face staring at them. I call it ‘aggressive mentoring’.

Flash your headlights for five minutes straight

Occasionally, getting obnoxiously close to the car in front isn’t enough. In these instances, cordially flick your main beam on and off continuously for about five minutes in order to help them see you. They might become so dazzled and panicked they inadvertently swerve off the road, but you can’t get this sort of practical learning from books. 

Blare your horn for a sustained period  

If you see another road user make a mistake, it’s your duty to notify them with a jovial toot of the horn. But don’t just tap it. Hold it for a good six seconds so they can be sure it isn’t accidental. It may look aggressive, but as any teacher will tell you, there’s no learning without discipline.

Gesticulate wildly with your hands

If you’ve ever considered a career in mime, use your body to convey messages to other drivers. You’d be surprised at what you can communicate with just your hands. ‘F**k off’ and ‘Up your bumhole’ are timeless classics, but try inventing some new ones, eg. ‘You give blowjobs to dirty sailors’. It’s important to make creativity part of the curriculum.

Shout encouragement with obscenities

If you prefer the personal touch, wind your window down and try and find an opportunity to speak to your fellow motorists. Profanity adds colour, the more the better, eg. ‘Learn how to shitting drive you blind f**king wanker prick. Tosser!’ Other drivers will be inspired by the your command of the rich and poetic English language.

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They share bedrooms: Why American universities are f**king weird

EVER watched a film set in an American college and wondered what the f**k is happening? Here are the ways they’re weird:

They share bedrooms

Imagine leaving home and discovering you have to share a room with some snoring dickhead who you hate within two minutes of meeting. Then there’s sex. It’s bad enough hearing someone shagging in the room next door, so imagine it three feet from your head. You can’t even have a loud wank to drown them out, because that’s not really a thing. 

They have frats and sororities

These are absolute mysteries to British students, but according to films and TV they are large houses where students imbibe dangerous quantities of alcohol and bully and mildly torture each other in a ritual known as ‘hazing’. Membership lasts forever, which means you have to feign happiness and shout ‘Sigma Phi Alpha!’ whenever you see a fellow frat bastard who once made you chug a bucket of spit.

They can’t get legally shitfaced

The main reason British youngsters go to university is so they can get pissed on cheap booze in the student union every night of the week. Americans can’t drink until the age of 21, by which time they’ve probably left college, which might explain why they drink in secret in frat houses and fall out of windows a lot and die.

They love college-branded clothing

You wouldn’t be seen dead in a jumper advertising your uni, but Americans love hoodies, t-shirts and caps with the name of their alma mater. Maybe it’s because theirs have cool, snappy names like Columbia and Yale, whereas Nottingham Trent just sounds lumpy and depressing. And suggests you’re worryingly deluded about what impresses people.

They’re freakishly obsessed with their sports teams

Did your British university have a football team? Who the f**k knows or cares? Things are very different in the US though, where college sports are obsessively followed to the point where they have cheerleaders, mascots and something called tailgate parties, which is a social gathering with drinks and a barbecue while stood round the back of a car. So basically a car boot sale with beer that tastes of piss.