Man laughing at old photos of himself unaware he's still a twat

A MAN has been laughing at old photos of himself, completely unaware he is still an utter twat.

Stephen Malley, 35, recently found photos on his old old Myspace account, adding: “I’d forgotten about the account and hadn’t touched it for 20 years. When I opened it up I found all of these old photos of myself. They made me laugh out loud, I was such a skinny little twat back then.”

However, what Malley was unaware of is that while he may not be a skinny little twat anymore, now he is just a slightly overweight twat with man-tits.

He added: “In one picture I’ve got this really stupid haircut and I can’t believe what I’m wearing. Ridiculous skinny jeans and a gaudy t-shirt from a charity shop. Ugh, such a bellend.”

But while in the past Malley was a meaningless twat obsessed with desperately trying to look cool and meet girls, now he is just a boring twat, happy to dress in a non-offensive manner and have essentially the same conversations over and over again until he dies.

Professor Henry Brubaker, from the Institute for Studies, said: “What Stephen doesn’t realise is that the specifics of how he looked and behaved weren’t necessarily what made him a twat.

“He possesses something I call ‘core twattery’, which means while literally every detail can change about him, his twattishness remains unabated.”

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