Met Police were just trying to reinforce message that women aren't safe at night

THE Metropolitan Police explained they only violently assaulted a women’s vigil to remind women why they should stay home at night. 

Commissioner Cressida Dick asserted that if the vigil had been left to disperse peacefully, like Trafalgar Square’s weekly anti-lockdown rallies, then women would have been given a dangerous message about their ability to freely exist outdoors after dark.

She said: “These women were gathered peacefully, observing social distancing, in contravention of no laws and harming nobody. And as we all know, that’s when women are most at risk.

“If police had stood idly by and allowed these women to return to their homes, who’s to say they wouldn’t have thought they could gather in single-sex groups after sundown again?

“Instead officers moved in and arbitrarily shoved, detained and fined women armed with candles and flowers to remind them that men can do this any time without any consequence.

“None of those women will feel safe or protected on the streets of London ever again. For their own good.

“Arguably our actions have prevented thousands of crimes. And isn’t that what responsible policing is truly about?”

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Have you got the mad skillz to help a reversing lorry?

DO you possess the high levels of self-assurance needed to help a lorry driver reverse a massive dangerous vehicle? Find out with our quiz.

How confident are you?

A. You are pretty timid and frightened of anything larger than a Labrador.

B. You believe you innately know how to tackle anything and are happy to bullshit your way into a situation where you are grossly out of your depth.

A lorry driver is waving you down for help reversing, do you:

A.  Pretend you haven’t seen them and scuttle away quickly.

B. Pretend that you have experience with articulated vehicles reversing and offer to help, fully aware that you might end up causing the lorry to crush a Volvo.

The driver needs you to stop traffic on the road, do you:

A. Regret getting involved in this situation, and meekly step into the traffic, hoping that your health insurance will cover whatever disaster befalls you.

B. Arrogantly stride out with your arms held up and start bellowing orders at cars, channeling the energy of Jean-Claude Van Damme if he were a traffic warden.

The driver is leaning out the window looking for some banter, do you:

A. Laugh awkwardly before mumbling something about how difficult the impacts of Brexit must be on his profession.

B. Lean authoritatively against the door and casually make small talk, despite the lorry still blocking the pavement and large portions of the road.

You’ve f**ked up and caused the lorry to reverse into someone’s house, do you:

A. Apologise, and point out that you’ve been terrified from the start and suggested numerous times they ask a different passerby for help.

B. Angrily declare something like ‘That’s a stupid place to have a house’ and try to shift the blame onto either the lorry driver or the homeowner.


Mostly As: Congratulations! You sensibly know your limitations and would try to avoid this situation at all costs.

Mostly Bs: Congratulations! You possess the self-delusion needed to try to assist a lorry driver, and are likely to cause serious damage and possibly fatalities in the process.