Parents helping children get on property twat ladder

A COUPLE are helping their children become annoying property-obsessed twats just like themselves, they have revealed.

Solicitor Martin Bishop and his wife Maggie have helped their offspring with deposits in the hope that they will eventually become insufferable property bores too.

Bishop said: “Currently they’re just being mildly tedious about ‘the stress of the moving process’, but soon they should be droning on for hours about loft conversions and buying at the right time.

“Our daughter Lucy is very promising. She’s already quoting the values of other properties near her starter home and endlessly claiming it’s in an up-and-coming area.

“Her brother Dan’s bought a two-bedroom flat and keeps going on about doing up the bathroom to increase the value of the property as if that’s an acceptable topic of conversation. He’s utterly obsessed with money and never does anything fun, we are so proud of him.

“If they keep going up the property twat ladder eventually they’ll own expensive detached houses where they can discuss really mind-numbing stuff like installing underfloor heating.”

Daughter Lucy said: “It’s brilliant that mum and dad have helped us out. I hope they die soon so I can get a house with a massive breakfast bar.”

You can help by keeping your mouth shut, Trump told

BRITAIN has responded to Donald Trump’s offer of help by suggesting he stops saying words with his mouth.

The US president extended help to the UK in the wake of the London attacks, while also sending a barrage of tweets criticising its leaders and using the incident to justify his own moronic policies.

Londoner Susan Traherne said: “America has always been our friend in challenging times and now it really can help by getting its president to stop making sounds come out of his head, and ideally to also stop his tiny agile little fingers scampering across his keyboard.

“Our message to Donald Trump is simple. You are a knob.

“Stop being a knob.”