Voters warn of weird school smell

SCHOOL halls being used as polling stations have an overpowering childhood stench, it has been claimed.

Voters reported feeling nauseous at the pungent aroma of tile polish, decades of boys’ body odour and over boiled vegetables.

31-year-old Norman Steele said, “I have told people I’ll be holding my nose and voting Labour and it’s literally true.

“Setting foot in my old school, the hospital-meets-hormones stink also has a hint of flatulent fourth-former Graham Smedley, dogshit-tainted trainers and grey shepherd’s pie served in big metal trays.

“I forced myself to vote because it’s a tight seat, but if there’s another election in five months’ time then forget it.”

Emma Bradford, from Swindon, said: “Pushing through those double doors is like opening a portal to nose hell.

“I couldn’t vote, the stink of fetid gym kit is too strong. Democracy is great but not if it smells of balls.”

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Man realises too late that house party actually election party

A HORRIFIED man has realised the party he promised to attend tonight will be spent watching Clive Myrie and Robert Peston.

Wayne Hayes, from Peterborough, agreed a month ago to attend the party hosted by his friend Emma Bradford, not realising that everyone except him would have opinions about John Swinney.

Hayes said: “I figured there would be music and booze and maybe a cheeky spliff going around. Is John Swinney the one who wears the bin on his head? I like him.

“The swingometer did sound promising until I discovered that it involves Jeremy Vine. That’s unpleasant.”

He added: “I had high hopes of getting off with one of Emma’s workmates when we’re all pissed at 3am.

“It turns out 3am is when Bristol Central is expected to declare, and we’ll know whether Labour has triumphed, whether the Greens have won their second parliamentary seat or whether it’s gone to an independent.

“I can’t believe I’m getting cockblocked by Thangam Debbonaire.”