A WOMAN who survived summer without ‘must-have’ items of clothing also plans to brave the winter with clothes she already owns.
Despite receiving several urgent emails from clothing companies alerting her to this season’s vital items, office manager Emma Bradford has chosen to ignore official advice.
She said: “I’ve got enough clothes for the rest of my life. Each year’s styles are quite similar anyway, because humans have one basic shape with arms, legs and a head.”
Sister Nikki Hollis said: “She just about survived spring without the recommended florals, but winter is a whole other ball game.
“I’m scared that without this season’s mandatory checked skirts and leopard print coats she’s just going to freeze to death in her home, and in an outdated outfit.”
A Topshop spokesman said: “We recommend she takes the necessary steps to get her wardrobe up to scratch or, failing that, stays away from windows, public areas and anywhere else she might be visible to other humans.”