No more wank breaks: Six habits homeworkers will have to lose to return to the office

COMMERCIAL landlords are upset about homeworking, so do you face the grim prospect of returning to the office? Here are six habits you’ll have to lose first.

No more wank breaks

The days of treating yourself to a swift hand shandy after sending an email will be over. It’s probably for the best though. You’ve exhausted every piece of online smut and your genitals have been rubbed raw. Don’t go cold turkey though – knock one out in the toilets three times a day to ease yourself back in.

Waking up five minutes before work

Homeworkers have got the habit of waking up just before work down to a fine art. Laptops take mere seconds to lean over to and switch on, giving them plenty of minutes to brush their teeth and eat breakfast. A return to the office will herald an ungodly routine that doesn’t involve staying up until 3am scrolling through Instagram.

Spending the whole day wearing pyjamas

Offices place high demands on their employees. Tyrannical bosses expect their drone ants to wear semi-formal clothing and shoes, not food-stained t-shirts and tracksuit bottoms that haven’t been washed this side of the pandemic. You’ll need to have a shower and run a comb through your hair too because you can’t turn everyone’s eyes off like a Zoom camera.

Endless procrastination

Offices tend to be drab buildings filled with dull walls and boring desks because they want you to actually focus on your f**king work. Homes on the other hand contain everything you like and offer endless distractions like watching Bargain Hunt and reading everything on the internet. Giving this up will be traumatic, so consider the dole.

Loudly swearing at your team

At home you’re free to scream blue murder at Lucy from HR or Martin from accounts because no one can hear your expletive-filled tirades. Annoyingly, offices contain people with ears who can process what you say, so you’ll need to keep these rants in your head. Also there’s no ‘mute’ in real life, tragically.

Getting all your work done in a shorter time

When you worked at home you could blast through all your tasks in record time then spend the afternoon in the pub occasionally checking your emails. In the office though you’ll need to slow down, otherwise you’ll be rewarded by having even more mindless toil heaped on you. Even suggesting going down to a four-day week would threaten to reveal how competent you actually are.

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Has the government lost the vital support of 70s soft rockers? We find out

THE Tories have lost Rod Stewart, but does that mean it’s all over for them in the crucial 1970s soft-rocker demographic? We asked the greats.

Elton John, hits include Goodbye Yellow Brick Road and Your Song

“The Tories are a busted flush. Even Rod can see it, and he’s not given a bugger about much more than Celtic and getting his end away in 50 years. They’ve cocked up Brexit and there’s not a cabinet minister you’d trust to make a f**king sandwich.”

Verdict: General election now

Billy Joel, hits include Piano Man and It’s Still Rock and Roll to Me

“I haven’t released an album since 1993, and the so-called natural party of government haven’t had a new idea since then. These are the last days of John Major on fast-forward with a new scandal every week. Get rid.”

Verdict: Quit now to save the party

Dr Hook, hits include When You’re In Love With A Beautiful Woman and A Little Bit More

“What does Billy f**king Joel know about anything? He sits in his Long Island mansion thinking he’s got some special insight into UK politics? Piss off. As far as we’re concerned Rishi Sunak’s doing an excellent job righting the ship of state and returning to traditional Conservative values.”

Verdict: Everything’s fine

The Alan Parsons Project, hits include Games People Play and Eye In the Sky

“I would characterise Dr Hook as more a novelty act than soft-rockers. Regardless, following the disaster of Liz Truss’s time in power the government needed a hard relaunch and didn’t get it. The public’s mind is made up and they should have a chance to vote.”

Verdict: General election in 2023

Leo Sayer, hits include One Man Band and When I Need You

“The Alan Parsons Project didn’t score a single top 20 hit in Britain. Just saying. Anyway, Sunak has both a majority and a mandate to turn things around. He’s in for two years so we should stop talking Britain down and give him a chance. And I agree, Billy Joel can go f**k himself.”

Verdict: Wait and see

10cc, hits include I’m Not In Love and Dreadlock Holiday

“It’s Rod Stewart that kicked up all this shit, him and his Happy Shopper copper wife filling in f**king potholes like he’s some paragon of civic responsibility. What, you really think Keir Starmer’s so much better? His signature policy is ‘don’t know’. Anyway, it’s irrelevant because nobody here can vote in British elections because we all live in LA. It’s just sunnier.”

Verdict: 70s soft rockers are unlikely to have any impact on the governance of Britain