Lib Dem conference has ambience of a porno cinema

THE Liberal Democrat conference has recreated the sleazy atmosphere of an old-fashioned adult movie cinema.

MP Norman Steele said: “After a quick glance left and right to make sure nobody I knew was watching, I dodged off the street and through the doors of the Lib Dem conference.

“Like all older male politicians I regularly went to porno cinemas in the 90s, sadly they no longer exist but the sorry furtive vibe here is strongly nostalgic.

“A half-empty room populated by tired-looking pasty men with poor home lives, staring blankly at the entertainment while occasionally rummaging in their coats for a sandwich or biscuit.

“You can tell some delegates are homeless and have come in just for a sleep in the dry.

“Danny Alexander complained about the overpowering smell of wet clothes in the main auditorium, but I told him that sometimes in life you have to take what you can get.”

Alcoholic ‘just enjoying his own private Oktoberfest’

RAGING alcoholic Tom Logan celebrates Oktoberfest every day in his flat, he has claimed.

49-year-old Logan enjoys beers from around the world in the celebratory atmosphere of his bedsit, with traditional entertainment from the television.

Logan said: “You don’t need to be in a big Bavarian tent with crowds, buxom barmaids and lederhosen to enjoy the world’s biggest festival of binge drinking. The best party is the one in your mind.

“My Oktoberfest happens at home, with just me there, and for twelve months a year instead of one.

“I used to vary the beer selection although now it’s focused on strong budget lager which has a great fizzy taste.

“Sometimes I cry uncontrollably for a bit but generally it is great.”

Logan admitted that this year’s Oktoberfest budget was particularly tight after he was sacked from his job and his wife divorced him.

“It hasn’t affected the vibe though. I’m still up all night, drinking and eating the sausages which are my only source of nutrients, until the neighbours bang on the ceiling.

“Even then I quite often tell them to fuck off. They’re just jealous.”