Five kinky places to have sex that will make you run screaming home

WANT to appreciate your bed? Push yourself into a sexual experience in a public location and thrill to the fear of being charged with indecent exposure. 

Everyone loves to remember that time they were so horny they did it in a back alley by the bins. Memory filters out the stink and turns murmurs into imprecations of love, not ‘If my arse gets put on Reddit by a teenager with an iPhone you’re fucking dead.’

Your slightly damp bedroom will become a palace of pleasure after uncomfortably boning in these locations:

In a car

Are you a horny teenager with nowhere else to go? Because if you do have anywhere else to go: go there. You’ll soon stop feeling young and carefree when you cry out not in ecstasy but because the seatbelt socket’s embedded in your knee.

It turns out cars aren’t big and you’re not flexible. Expect less ‘handprint dragging down a steamed window’ and more accidentally setting off the rear windscreen wiper. Plus your 10-year-old Volvo S40’s suspension doesn’t need more challenges.

On a plane

The Mile High Club? Is the height the challenge, or shagging in the tiniest toilet in the world? Have a high gag threshold not for deep-throat oral, but because the corpulent bastard who immediately preceded you fouled it on an elephantine scale.

Enjoy trying to achieve penetration in a space smaller than an Ikea wardrobe in full knowledge there’s an air steward eight inches away heating piri-piri chicken who thinks you’re tragically het and wishes you’d waited until Venice.

In the bath

What could be more romantic than scented candles, soft music and sex amid the suds? Wedging yourself into a cooling and overflowing tub, your boyfriend in the tepid water while your teeth chatter sexily above, discovering the hard way that soapy water is very much not lube? You’d rather shag in the shower.

In the shower

Until you try to shag in the shower, and that’s not great either, is it? The angle’s never right, glass screens aren’t up to supporting two thrusting humans and whoever’s not in the spray is freezing. And water? Still not lube. You’re coming out of this with thrush.

On the beach

Like the cocktail, sex on the beach is overrated and a young woman’s game. Two choices: sand or pebbles, both of which will fuck you far more royally than your husband can manage. If it’s not chafing sand in the fanny it’s stone grinding against your back. Either of which puts further off climaxing than the scent of sun-baked dog piss next to your head.

On a windswept moor

A grand, romance-novel fantasy, reliving the great romance of Cathy and Heathcliff from the Kate Bush song Wuthering Heights. You’ve not read the book version. But what’s under your arse as you recline with Brontean abandon at this desolate spot? Heather? Bracken? Some other kind of scratchy bastard?

And the wildness not only freezes your exposed tits off, but carries off personal belongings. If you’ve been embarrassed walking past hikers in all their North Face shit when you’re in trainers, imagine doing it in a crop top chasing your knickers. Right, you’ve done that. From now on fuck at home.

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Let's move to a town as shite as the cake named after it! This week: Banbury

What’s it about?

Head north from the dreaming spires of Oxford and you’ll run into Oxford’s sour-faced working-class cousin: Banbury.

Not quite the Midlands, not quite the South, Banbury is like a shit northern town that missed the train home from a non-league game and decided to stay. As such, the people tend to be a bit friendlier but also more likely to glass you.

Nationally, Banbury’s known for two things: a poem about a cock horse, whatever the fuck that is, and having a cake named after it. Though Banbury cake is less a cake, and more a currant-stuffed pastry that tastes like your nan’s arse. Does anyone like it? Or it is a prank the locals have been playing for centuries?

Banbury’s most prized feature is junction 11 of the M40, because most residents are there purely because of its proximity to other towns and cities that still have hope. Its population decreases by about 95 per cent at 8am every weekday, leaving behind only children, the retired and the truly miserable.

Any good points?

For all its flaws, Banbury’s not a bad town for a night out if you enjoy doing cocaine and being stabbed. Wander along Parson’s Street or Southam Road for a nice variety of pubs to can spend your final earthly moments in. Make it out alive? Rectify that at a kebab shop.

Banbury’s also home of the largest coffee processing plant in the world, run by Douwe Egberts. This should fill it with the rich and delicious aroma of roasted coffee beans. In reality the fumes smell like burnt hair and horse shit, and can permeate anything from double-glazing to stone walls.

There’s also a vast Amazon warehouse, providing a great source of employment for locals who love standing up for 12 hours straight and hate going to the toilet.

Notable residents? Gary Glitter was born here, a fact rarely brought up at civic events. And Gordon Ramsay spent his formative years in Banbury, which explains why he’s been angry ever since.

Wonderful landscapes?

Estate agents may describe it as being ‘on the edge of the Cotswolds’, but it’s fair to say that Banbury isn’t much of a looker. Walk a mile away from the town in any direction and you’ll probably come across some pretty attractive scenery, but the town itself is like someone took a big concrete dump on Mother Nature’s chest.

Hang out at….

Banbury’s town centre has all the shit: Turkish barbers, vape shops and Greggs. But the real joy is the street entertainment. You’re never too far from a blazing argument or a full-blown fist fight. Women fighting over men, men fighting over parking spaces, children fighting over steak bakes; the possibilities as a spectator are endless.

If generic, soulless shopping centres are your thing visit Castle Quay and guess which will be the next chain to close down and leave forever. Lock29 is Banbury’s lazy attempt at gentrification where you can order smash burgers and souvlakis and pretend you’re somewhere better.

Or pop into the massive Tesco Extra where the locals shop in pyjamas and dressing gowns, giving it a decadent atmosphere like an upmarket spa.

Where to buy?

If you want the proper Banbury experience move to Bretch Hill or Grimsbury. Prices are reasonable, due to the risk of being murdered, and your neighbours will always be there when you need them because their court-ordered ankle bracelets prevent them leaving.

Alternatively, you could help further erode what’s left of the town’s character by moving into one of the new estates like Hanwell View to leech off the town’s resources without ever putting anything of value back into the community.

From the streets:

Joe Turner, aged 38, said: “I’ve lived here for nearly ten years now but I’ve still never been to Banbury. I’m on a train to London by 6am and don’t get back till late so, thankfully, I haven’t really had the chance to look around.”