There’s a party in your pants and everyone is yet to RSVP – apart from an old colleague of yours from way back when, who politely declined.
WAKING in an alley behind a kebab shop, robes covered in vomited meat, head pounding like Dutch gabba techno, I make a note not to join a sherry soiree with Aled Jones on an empty stomach.
YOU can’t make an omelette without breaking eggs. And you can’t deliver a revitalised, youthful, radical Downing Street without sucking dick.
WARM weather sees some get out the paddling pool or barbecue. But to me, it’s a time to stop paying through the nose for gas when the sun is right there.
Ah, bonny Glasgow, recently voted one of the worst cities to live in Europe due to violence and gang turf wars.
IN 1977 a really good space action film came out. In 1980 it had a great sequel. 42 years later, it’s time to put the franchise out of its misery.
If we really want children to learn about responsibility we shouldn’t let them win a goldfish at the fair. They should win an Alsatian.
AWAKING after a late evening with a delegation of Belgian Trappist monks, experts in brewing, I realise the bed I repose in is my own and summon a junior cleric.
ONCE again, a plane sat on the tarmac at Heathrow, awaiting clearance. Once again, a passenger was desperate not to fly. But it was me and we had to.
Check out the station car park, the most expensive in the country – and rightly so, since the only reason to live here is to leave.