Boris Johnson's semi-aquatic beaver sex harem shut down by Labour

PLANS to create a 3,000-acre beaver sex paradise where former prime minister Boris Johnson could roam naked and free have been shut down by Labour.
Natural England, working closely with Johnson, have created a flooded sylvan glade packed with frolicking beavers which he hoped to be released into in spring.
But spiteful elements within the Labour government, determined to deny one man the passion he has longed for his entire life, have blocked the scheme out of nothing but petty, swingeing envy, causing his stonking majority to subside.
A spokesman for Natural England said: “Feasibility studies have shown the beavers will coppice trees, mitigate flooding and create nature-rich wetlands. Boris, meanwhile, will finally be happy.
“He participated in a trial scheme and it moved volunteers to tears. Out there, gorgeously nude, permanently priapic, no longer a danger to our nation’s political balance or soiling our collective psyche with his Mail columns.
“But Labour, desperate to deny any Tory joy, have quashed it. Even though he’d be tagged and collared they say there’s still a risk of him getting out. It’s cruelty, pure and simple.”
Johnson said: “First, anal musk glands. Second, you know their flat tails? Imagine it’s not water it’s slapping.”