Budget conscious footballer admits romp with mid-priced prostitutes

FINANCIALLY-ASTUTE soccer star Tom Logan has confessed to a three-way romp with two excellent value call girls.
Sensible central defender Logan had negotiated a 28% percent discount after booking the prostitutes as a pair via a website he discovered after several hours of painstaking online research.
He said: Naturally I am ashamed about letting my wife and kids down, but I do at least feel I managed to get good value for money.
At lot of my colleagues in football spend a fortune on unremarkable call girls simply because they can’t be bothered to shop around.
My tip is, don’t go for the self-styled ‘top’ escort agencies with flashy interactive websites.
They may look impressive but when you think about all money they’re spending on hosting video clips and images, that will ultimately be passed on to you, the consumer.
Logan paid hookers Tia and January £142, including a small additional discount for prompt cash payment, to party at a cheap hotel for precisely one hour.
He said: I advise keeping your watch on during the sex session to ensure the prostitutes do not try to leave before the agreed time slot has expired.
Also, don’t forget it is the responsibility of the prostitutes to supply towels and lubricants. And never tip more than ten percent.