I'll Do It If You Land A Helicopter On My Parents' Lawn, Kate Told Wills

KATE Middleton agreed to do that thing Prince William has been asking
her to do for months, but only if he landed a Chinook helicopter on her
parents’ lawn, it emerged last night.

KATE Middleton agreed to do that thing Prince William has been asking
her to do for months, but only if he landed a Chinook helicopter on her
parents’ lawn, it emerged last night.

Friends of the couple said the £30,000 stunt was ‘worth every penny’ if you knew what the thing actually was.

A source close to the Prince said: “It’s game on. William has kept his end of the bargain. This is a big test for their relationship.”

William is now said to be looking to forward to doing the thing, which his grandfather has assured him is, ‘even better than you think it’s going to be’.

It is understood the Prince first suggested doing the thing on his birthday last year, but was told there was absolutely no way it was going to happen.

One Royal insider said: “His pleading became very insistent.  At one point he even claimed it was the ‘law of England’ and if she didn’t do it, she’d be thrown in a dungeon.

“But Kate stuck to her guns and said if he really wanted it he would have to get his RAF wings, land a helicopter on the lawn, wave to her parents and then take off again.”

The insider added: “I’m sure there are dozens of girls who would have been delighted to do this particular thing, but he’s been determined to do it with Kate.

“It shows a lot of character.”




Your Astrological Week Ahead

Gemini (21 MAY-20 JUN)

Remember the number of that guy you slept with, which is stuffed into your wallet? Well, dig it out and call. Maybe he will know why it burns when you pee.

Cancer (21 JUN-22 JUL)

Someone you've been secretly admiring has been checking you out right back. That’s them with the binoculars. Next to the policeman.

Leo (23 JUL-22 AUG)

Pick up the phone and a call a faraway friend. Ask them what they are wearing. Stroke yourself until you go off. That’s better!

Virgo (23 AUG-22 SEP)

Right now the stars are right for updating your online dating profile. Spend some time crafting clever copy, and add some recent photos of someone else. No point in wasting all that effort on writing.

Libra (23 SEP-23 OCT)

You're finding it super easy to talk to people, and keep them hanging on your every word. That’s because they don’t have a gun.

Scorpio (24 OCT-21 NOV)

Start the week off right by writing down all your social engagements. Now what?

Sagittarius (22 NOV-21 DEC)

You met someone new who really likes you a lot, but it doesn't quite click for you. No problem. Sleep with them until someone better comes along.

Capricorn (22 DEC-19 JAN)

When you meet someone who sparks your interest, don’t just point at your crotch and make grunting noises. Point at theirs too, silly!

Aquarius (20 JAN-19 FEB)

Are you feeling uncertain about what your future holds? You and me both babe. I’m shitting it.

Pisces (20 FEB-20 MAR)

Don't feel lost. Maybe losing a partner is an improvement. Now you get to masturbate whenever you like, not just when they are pretending to be asleep.

Aries (21 MAR-19 APR)

Some little thing sets you off in a big way, at least offer to clean it off her shoes, it’s the least you can do!