We ask you: was Prince Harry right to turn tail and run like a coward?

PRINCE Harry flew in, high-fived his ailing father while running through the morning room, and flew back to California. Was he right to do so? 

Nathan Muir, lathe operator: “That’s actually pretty warm and loving for his social strata. No doubt Charles was so overwhelmed with emotion a muscle almost twitched in his face.”

Francesca Ryan, nursery nurse: “Proves once and for all he’s terrified of William, bulked up and stripped to the waist, kicking shit out of him.”

Grace Wood-Morris, social media manager: “You can’t blame him at all. It’s not safe leaving the kids with Meghan for 48 hours. She’s no kind of a mother.”

Roy Hobbs, retired policeman: “I just hope he took extensive notes for the Spare sequel.”

Olly O’Connor, roofer: “Prince Harry was here? And I missed it? But he’s my favourite.”

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