Most important couple in world to spread wedding across three days

THE most important couple on the planet have decided their wedding celebrations cannot possibly be limited to a single day.

Tom Logan and Lucy Parry are planning to tie the knot next spring and have concluded that the celebration of such a unique and remarkable union will require at least a long weekend.

Parry said: “As we’re such an incredibly significant couple in the eyes of our friends and family, we have arranged three jam-packed days of activity so that they get a proper opportunity to fully express their joy and admiration.

“We’ll start on the Friday night with a casual, fully-catered black tie dinner party, then Saturday will be the big day which will have an upmarket festival vibe, complete with mandatory lawn games, two bands and a ceilidh.

“Because everyone has to stay on-site, they won’t be able to slip away so we’ll make them keep dancing until 4am and then everyone will be up again at 7am for a big, fun clear up which we won’t be taking part in.

“We’re thinking of having it in Italy so it will cost around £1,500 per person, but that’s a drop in the ocean when it comes to the emotional wealth they’ll receive from celebrating our perfect love.”

Logan’s best friend Joe Turner said: “Three days? They can get f**ked.”

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The next six movies you dimly remember to get multi-million dollar streaming revivals

HOLLYWOOD is obsessed with remaking films, but having run out of classics they’re now churning out shit like Willow. And soon probably these too:

Mac and Me (1988)

Essentially a store-brand version of E.T, this is widely regarded as one of the shittest films of all time. The original features the perpetually surprised alien Mac on a series of pedestrian adventures, and the rights will no doubt soon be snapped up by Hulu, which will spend $100m rebooting it only for nobody to bother watching.

Flubber (1997)

Flubber starred Robin Williams as a crazed inventor who creates a sentient green blob and didn’t bother adding anything trivial like plot or characters. An update by Sky Atlantic would move the action to gritty Chicago, give Flubber a gun and a grudge, and turn it into a blockbuster TV series that loses its way after episode two.

Junior (1994)

This utter shitshow about a male scientist who becomes pregnant as part of a research project deals with gender roles about as cack-handedly as you’d expect from a film made in the mid-90s and starring Arnold Schwarzenegger. Netflix could do a sensitive remake that would be savaged on Twitter as ‘woke propaganda’ the second it was released.

Howard the Duck (1986)

This film was universally agreed to be a pile of shite when it opened but was also technically the first release of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, which means it’s ripe for a reimagining on Disney Plus. The plot revolves around a woman who shags an anthropomorphised alien duck, but Marvel can get away with any old nonsense as long as there are enough explosions involved.

Wild Wild West (1999)

When you cast your mind back to 1999, it’s almost certain that, unless you starred in it, you have zero recollection of the atrocity that was Wild Wild West. However, it’s one of the most expensive films ever made, which is enough of a reason for Hollywood to decide to make it again, but even worse than the first time round.

Beyond the Valley of the Dolls (1970)

Russ Meyer’s softcore romp would never fly in today’s politically correct climate, but removing all the sex would render it pointless melodramatic nonsense. Not that it would stop NowTV trying to recreate it into a thoughtful meditation on 1970s morality, which no one would watch after they realised there was no camp shagging involved.