HAS the culture war distorted your worldview into that of a dickhead? Do you consider these everyday things to be woke overreach?
For normal people, tofu is a meat substitute to be avoided because it tastes of less than chicken. For dickheads, this white bean curd is the sole diet of a nefarious radical left blob that wants to indoctrinate innocent kids into Marxism. If a Churchill statue was made of tofu, GB News would demand it be torn down.
Women being on TV
To the untrained eye, a woman presenting QI or being Doctor Who is an unremarkable reflection of a wider population which contains women. Not so for a dickhead. They think it’s the latest in a series of box-ticking rules designed to repress men and usher in a new era of matriarchal tyranny. They’ve got no problem with ‘the fit blonde one’ on Countdown though, oddly. That’s Corbynites.
Electric cars
‘Electric cars? What’s next, electric…’ a dickhead will sneer, before failing to think of a punchline. As far as they’re concerned, cars should run on dead dinosaur juice and steadily destroy the environment. Cars powered by batteries only encourage their nemesis, Greta Thunberg, to save the planet for their other nemesis, under-25s.
The term ‘people of colour’
Woke, or a more respectful way of referring to people who are not white? Depends who you ask. Most agree that it’s an improvement on what they used to be called, whereas dickheads will claim it’s an attack on their liberty to use whatever terms they deem appropriate. Usually followed with ‘well if Chris Rock’s allowed to say it…’
Wheelchair ramps
Dickheads are scared of things they don’t understand. This includes considerations for people with needs that are different to their own. Far from being a basic accessibility measure, a wheelchair ramp will be seen as an expensive frippery likely mandated by the EU. Why not pave over them and build a luxury flat I can rent out, they’ll wonder.