Traffic pulls over to let ambulance and BMW driver pass, thinks BMW driver

A BMW driver is pretty confident that traffic that pulled over to let an ambulance pass also wanted his progress to be unimpeded. 

Salesman Wayne Hayes is convinced he zipped past most of the traffic without it even noticing him and firmly believes that anyone who had seen his X5 would recognise his urgency and not resent him in the slightest.

He said: “Ambulances have emergencies, obvs. Pensioners down the stairs and whatever. But I needed to get to a drive-thru Starbucks before my next client, so same diff.

“The cars had pulled over anyway and it’s not like I’m some slow Volvo that holds everyone up. I stayed within 18 inches of that ambulance’s rear doors the whole time.

“What else am I meant to do, wait for all the Kias and Hyundais to ponderously get themselves back on the road? They wouldn’t want that.

“I think most drivers instinctively want to pull over to let a superior motorist in a high-performance car past but the rules of the road don’t allow it. The ambulance just gives them the perfect excuse.

“If the ambulance had been behind me? Nah, wouldn’t have pulled over. I would’ve just driven faster.”

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Woman with 37 tops packed for overnight trip adds a 38th

A WOMAN who has packed 37 different choices of top for an overnight stay in a hotel has added one more, just in case. 

Nikki Hollis of Coventry is spending the night in London with her boyfriend but has packed as if concerned her train will wind up on an uninhabited island, leaving her stranded with only a fresh yet impractical wardrobe.

She said: “Well I don’t know what we’re going to be doing – out, out for a meal, out somewhere fancy, out somewhere cool – so I’ve had to pack accordingly.

“What would I do if I didn’t have the right top? Just buy one, I suppose, from one of the hundreds of shops down there? Yeah I’ve not ruled that out.

“When I’m at home I average one top every two days, but many are the dangers facing the unwary traveller. Mostly top-based, I’d imagine.”

Hollis will end up spending the whole evening in the bar of her hotel because she has only brought one pair of shoes and cannot walk in them.