Woman who starts sentences 'do you want to' not really asking

A WOMAN who often says ‘do you want to’ is actually giving you an order, it has been confirmed.

31-year-old Emma Bradford said: “I just find that people are more willing to do things if they think it was at least a little bit their idea, and not just me barking my instructions at them.

“Prefacing a command with ‘do you want to’ gives them a sense that they’ve still got a chance to decide for themselves, which of course they haven’t.”

Bradford uses the technique to convince her boyfriend Tom Booker that he wants to clean the bath or put on a different shirt to go with his jeans.

Booker said: “I love that Emma asks me so many questions about what I want to do. It makes me feel loved, and not at all like the victim of a thinly-veiled mind control technique.

“And when she says ‘are you sure you want to do that?’ before I’m about to something, I reevaluate what I’m about to do, and more often than not, I don’t do it.”

“Without her, I wouldn’t know what I want at all. Or maybe I would. I’m not sure, I’d better check.”

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Are you possessed?

FEELING tired and irritable? Probably it’s because you’re possessed by a demonic entity.

Are you in thrall to an evil supernatural being, or are you just lazy? Take our test to find out.

1. Why are there clothes all over your bedroom floor?

A. I live like a student even though I’m getting old. 

B. Whenever I see my wardrobe a terrifying croaky voice comes out of me saying things like, ‘I hate all my fucking clothes’ and I start chucking them everywhere. 

2. Why are you quite moody?

A. I ate two massive pizzas and three grab bags of Minstrels and stayed up all night watching Netflix. 

B. Often when I’m in the office I feel the need to be outside, because the restless animal spirit of a dead pet is still haunting my soul.

3. Why do you snap at your family and colleagues?

A. Because I get FOMO really bad, so I drink most nights. 

B. I got an electric shock off my laptop and this black energy went down my finger. Next thing I know my head is trying spin round and I started writing ‘I am Satan’ in biro on my best work shirt.

4. Why do you smell bad?

A. Doing laundry is boring.

B. It’s not a regular bad smell like BO, it is the stench of a decomposing witch called ‘Nanny Scratch’ seeking retribution for being burned 312 years ago.

Mostly As: You are not possessed, you’re just a basic human being who is unable to get their shit together.

Mostly Bs: Nothing is your fault because you are indeed possessed. Consult a Christian or see if you can become possessed by someone with actual life skills.