
Mark Zuckerberg to gut Elon Musk and wear him as a skin suit

AN upcoming cage match between Mark Zuckerberg and Elon Musk will end in one of the more horrible deaths ever streamed on Facebook.

Eight corporate jobs they also have in hell

THE office is already hell if it’s not air-conditioned, but which of your colleagues are earmarked for plum jobs in the pit of the damned?

Poor Amazon stands in front of UK taxpayers with turned-out pockets and cap in hand

THE poverty-stricken multinational corporation Amazon once again stands before taxpayers barefoot and in rags, begging for a handout.

Can I still make people homeless if they look at me funny? Your landlord questions answered

NEW legislation threatens to stop landlords running a five-bed in Willesden as if it were North Korea and they Kim Jong-un. Here we answer your landlord queries.

Pigs forced to change name and appearance by Percy Pigs

THE animals formerly known as pigs have been legally compelled to change their name and appearance by supreme litigators Percy Pigs.

Travelodge replaces 'Do Not Disturb' signs with 'Caution, Sad Businessman Wanking'

DISCOUNT hotel chain Travelodge has swapped its ‘Do Not Disturb’ signs for ones warning that the room’s lone occupant is mid-wank.

'Supposedly hard Northerners can't handle a few cancelled trains?' sneers TransPennine Express

BOSSES at TransPennine Express thought it would take more than a few cancellations to trigger Northerners, who have turned out to be soft as shite, they have revealed.

They sell craft beer: How to convince yourself Wetherspoons is fine now

WETHERSPOONS is reporting record profits after attracting customers struggling with the cost of living. Here’s how to convince yourself it’s a great place to drink.

We will keep telling you our nauseating brand story until you buy something, companies warn

BUSINESSES have announced plans to keep communicating their ‘brand stories’ until the public cracks and buys a product.

'Accept that you are poorer' says mugger

A MUGGER has told his victim that he simply needs to accept that he is poorer rather than furthering an inflationary spiral.