
We don't have a favourite child but we do have a least favourite, admit parents

PARENTS across the United Kingdom have confirmed that, while picking a favourite child might be impossible, choosing their least favourite is easy.

'Chance of a shag' vs 'I hope he's romantic': First date aspirations by gender

GOING on a first date? Here's what you'll be hoping to get out of it depending on your sex.

Women discussing their bisexuality online definitely not doing it for the male followers

ATTRACTIVE young women who describe their bisexual desires on social media are in no way attempting to attract salivating male followers, they have confirmed.

Creepy dead-eyed stare not flirting, men reminded

MEN have been reminded that glowering at women with piercing stares does not count as flirtatious wooing.

'We've tried that one' and other things your parents shouldn't say during TV sex scenes

YOU were enjoying a new TV drama with your mum and dad but suddenly it’s turned into hardcore porn. Here’s what you definitely don’t want to hear from their sofa. 

Sex positive man actually just very horny

A MAN who claims to have a liberating attitude towards sex is actually just desperate to get his end away, it has emerged.

Married couple trying for threesome

A MARRIED couple have announced they are ready to take the next step to a threesome.

Alexander Armstrong, and six other people your mum would rather you'd married

YOUR mother believes you need guidance in making the correct choices, including your poor judgment in choosing a spouse. Even though your husband is right there.

Anal sex no better than ordinary sex, just ruder

IT has finally been confirmed that anal sex is no more enjoyable than regular sex, just significantly more uncouth.

I hate it when we fight: Six ways to move past an argument without apologising

HAVING a huge tiff and realise you’re in the wrong? A good person would apologise but you can wrap it up without admitting a single fault. Here’s how.