
A handy guide to bullshit letting agent fees

A HELPFUL guide for renters, explaining letting agents’ many bullshit fees.

Are you a smug dickhead homeowner?

ENJOY curling up on your massive sofa as you survey your tasteful living room? Then you could be a smug dickhead homeowner. 

I'm actually pretty well-known on the football forums

YEAH. They call me RedGlory90. And I’m pretty much famous, on the football forums. 

Are you an absolute wanker who worships Jacob Rees-Mogg?

DO YOU think 'the Mogg' is going to save us from the forces of EU-vil? Take our test and find out.

Things Brexiters are nostalgic for that were actually bollocks

WHAT things do Brexiters want to bring back that were horrible even at the time?

You got a problem there, pal? Take our test to find out

ARE you looking for trouble? Take our simple test to find out if you'd better step outside.

Should you pick that towel up off the floor, or let it rot for the next three months?

Take our simple quiz to find out whether the wet towel you used should go back onto to the towel rail, or remain on the floor to become all mouldy.

The morning routine of not very successful people

Do you want to be more productive in the morning but just cannot be arsed? Try this routine:

Max Mosley vs The Daily Mail: Is there a way they could both lose?

WITH the obvious exception of Chelsea vs Man United, there aren't many times in life where you want both sides to lose very  badly.

Do you think you're all continental and sophisticated?

ARE you one of these ponces who thinks you’re incredibly cultured just because you’ve been to France and Italy a few times? Take our quiz and find out.